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Shining the Light on Fear

Jesayah LaBeam

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Coming from this premise I would like to share my experience in reading his April 8, 2008 channeled session.

This is it:

I loved the whole written article by Sheldan Nidle, however I found later in the day as I was digesting all that was said, a reaction - a knee-jerk reaction to his words  " the degree of fear and uncertainty in you is, to us, most amazing".  Well!  How can you blame us when you look at all the darkness, the starvation, disease, criminal activity, pain, etc. etc. that we experience and are daily bombarded with in the media? As soon as I had this reaction I knew it was simply old conditioning appearing and immediately let go of it, and chose rather to go into meditation on it.


Of course they (Galactic Federation) understand where we are coming from and where we have been with our (humanity) centuries of experience with fear and it\'s devastating results of going into victimhood and giving away our power. As we grow into full consciousness which is our destiny, we will gradually or suddenly, depending on each individual\'s experience, understand that fear is illusion. Most people have heard the term "fear is false evidence appearing real" which of course it is, but knowing this does not always eliminate the feeling of fear.


Basically there are two parts to fear: 1. The unknown. Its like that great void out there where anything and everything can be bad/negative and very scary, just as we learned as children.

2. Powerlessness. Believing that we have no power to create a wonderful and happy outcome or to Change a situation to a wonderful and happy outcome.


So how do we let go of fear? The bottom line is knowing who we are, knowing that we are Divine Beings living in a vast ocean of LOVE that is infinite and eternal. By tuning into our Inner Beingness (our Higher Self) we can learn to trust our Inner family, that is our guides, angels, ascended masters and our loving brethren of extraterestrial origin who are all assisting humanity at this time in Eternity. This tuning in teaches us to also trust ourselves. Once we begin to truly trust ourselves we then begin to know we have the POWER to do anything we choose. We begin to understand that our power is dependant upon the thoughts and feelings we allow to enter our mind and emotions. Ultimately a relaxed discipline in taking control of what we think and feel and conversing with our God Self becomes second nature, resulting in personal empowerment.

This is utilizing the Universal Law of Attraction, which requires maintaining a vigilant attention to choosing to attract that which we desire by keeping our thoughts and (very important) our Feelings in tune with, that is in the same vibration as, that which we would like to draw into our life.  Until we make the effort to do this, most often our thoughts and feelings are more in tune with (dwelling on) our problems thus keeping us in the same vibration of that which we are wanting to be free of.  This empowerment applies not only to choosing our life path, but also to healing disease, improving finances, finding a loving life partner, and creating the most wonderful environment we can imagine, both personally and globally. This is co-creating with Divine Spirit/God/Goddess/All That is.

We can expect this as we awaken to full consciousness. We have the power to assist the Light which is rapidly dissolving the darkness that has enveloped our Beautiful Mother Earth for so long.  I have this vision of the dark beings with their mouths wide open in a silent scream as they are sucked into the Light and disappear!  With Love of course!  I believe the most wonderful days of our lives are on the horizon.


To read Sheldon Nidle\'s April 8, 2008 channelled session go to updates at