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Wild Earth Intensive - Wisdom of our Hearts, Wisdom of the Land

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Sacred Earth Network (SEN) and University of the Wild are collaborating to run a transformational 10-day intensive. This highly experiential program will introduce participants to the core of what it means to live a sustainable, balanced and joyful life. The Wild Earth Intensive was created in response to the question: Now that we understand the severe limitations of the dominant paradigm, how do we reconstruct a world-view that works for all beings?

We live embedded in a web of relationships - with self, community, nature and spirit - and often in this culture, these relationship are out of balance. This is the inner work of sustainability, of finding our center and living in the inter-connectedness of all life. The Wild Earth Intensive is a space to do this work.

It is from this place of wholeness, connectedness and gratitude that sustainable actions, life-ways and cultures grow. By coming more fully into our gifts, we can authentically engage in the journey of our times, what Joanna Macy calls the Great Turning.

SEN founder Bill Pfeiffer, the lead facilitator for the Intensive, will help guide participants in accessing their inner wisdom to connect more deeply with all our relations. Four other facilitators with a wealth of experience will complement Bill to bring a diversity of wisdom to the circle.

The Wild Earth Intensive is a wonderful opportunity to give ourselves 10 days to deeply explore the diverse elements of this way of being. There is immense power in the gathering of a community of people holding this intention.

Areas of focus include:

Listening to each other

Feeling pain & grief

Play, movement & exercise

Immersion in the natural world

Telling Stories

Shifting Consciousness

Art & Music

Join us in this beautiful intention to shift our inner experience so that we may more effectively use our gifts to grow sustainable cultures.

Dates: June 4 - 13, 2008

Facilitators: Bill Pfeiffer, Mark Morey, Miriam Dror, Jim Beard & Cathy Pedevillano.

Cost: Sliding scale, $500-$750

The cost includes lodging and delicious food.

Location: Earthlands - A beautiful, secluded site in Petersham, MA with hundreds of acres of forests, meadows and streams.

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2008

Contact: Patrick Draper,, or (978) 724-3448