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Further instructions for Saturday's Joint Psychic Exercise (updated 6/2/08)

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC; Councillor

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 Further instructions for Saturday's Joint Psychic Exercise
    A reminder that Saturday we join in a special Joint Psychic Exercise to deactivate the Cabal's global surveillance system. (Details repeated below.)
    Someone asked, "I would like to help Saturday but have not done this before. Are there instructions?"
     My answer: You can use the instructions in the attachment. But instead of engaging in telepathy, you focus on willing and intending to disrupt the electronics inside the HAARP facility, or undoing and reversing the mixing of the ChemTrails chemicals. (Depending on your choice of Task.)
    Also, join in the Exercise for at leas15 minutes. You can go longer if you wish. You will"feel"when the desired effect has been accomplished.
    I am announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's global surveillance system.
    This vitally-important Joint Psychic Exercise takes place this Saturday, April 12. (Time below).
    Permit me to explain.
    Earth, being a living being, Gaia, like all other living beings generates a bio-electromagnetic field around her. These fields are somewhat layered. We know one of them as the ionosphere and another as the magnetosphere. Earth also has an energetic grid extending across her surface, with concentrated energy at the connection points, (where vortexes are located.) These energy field layers have connection, (as anyone who has watched lightning reach from Earth to sky can affirm.)
    The Cabal have taken advantage of Earth's natural global energy grid by running their own energy beams to create connection with Earth's grid. In this way the Cabal have turned Earth's energy grid into their own global surveillance system.  
    For example, when a starcraft swoops low into the atmosphere, or a Star Visitor approaches the house of an experiencer, or even if a Star Seed is highly energized anticipating an exciting encounter, these events send off high energy which is sensed by and is resonant with Earth's energy field.  By being tapped into Earth's energy field, the Cabal can instantly detect anywhere on the globe where that event is going on.
The Cabal take advantage of this surveillance information to: target and shoot down starcraft, capture and confine Star Visitors, and send their MILABS mercenaries to follow up on an experiencer's real encounter with one of their brutal fake "alien abductions" designed to terrorize the experiencer.  
    We need to shut down this vicious criminal Cabal surveillance system.
    The Cabal's artificial global grid is composed of two principal components: HAARP-class gigantic microwave-beam ionosphere "heaters", and a diffuse band of ionized particles spread across the upper atmosphere globally by sprayer aircraft (ChemTrails). (The ionized particles serve to transfer the microwave beam energy across the globe.)
    The HAARP-class microwave antennae installations are located at Gakona, Alaska; the Puerto Rico "Research" Facility (near Arecibo Radio Telescope Observatory), Puerto Rico; at Tromso, Norway,and at Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
    To turn off the Cabal's global surveillance system, our strategy during this Joint Psychic Exercise is two-fold.  You pick which one you will work on.
    1) Some lightworkers will take on using telekinesis to disable the HAARP generators; pick your generator to focus on: Alaska, Puerto Rico, Norway, or Russia. Concentrate on telekinetically disorganizing the computers, programs, relays, microprocessors, electrical load-limiters, and circuit breakers.
    2) Other lightworkers will focus on using telekinesis, (and sending intentional energy)to reverse the mixing-together of chemicals that created the Cabal's high-tech brew that is the ChemTrail mix. That is, since the ChemTrail formula is an advanced-technology mixing of chemicals in sequence, by your reversing the sequence, the mix is reduced to just ordinary chemicals and no longer works.
    Thus, by shutting down the energizer beams and neutralizing the carrier particles, the Cabal's global surveillance system is shut down.
     I have requested Star Nations to join in, too, and lend us their able co-assistance, both psychic and physical.
    The time for you to join in with us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is this Saturday, April 12 as follows, (Daylight Saving Time where applicable). Can I count on you?
Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am, Saturday 
Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am
Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am
Denver/Calgary (MST): 9 am
Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10 am
New York/Washington, DC/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Bogotá, Columbia (EDT): 11 am
Halifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon
Sao Paulo, Brazil: 12 noon
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 hrs. / 3 p.m.,
London/Dakar: 3 pm
Paris/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 4 pm
Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 5 pm
Moscow/Riyadh: 6 pm
Dubai: 7 pm
New Delhi: 8:30 pm
Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm
Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Saturday-Sunday
Adelaide, AU: 1:30 am Sunday
Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Sunday
Canberra/Sydney, AU: 2 am Sunday
Kamchatka, Russia: 3 am Sunday
Auckland, NZ: 4 am Sunday  
    If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and time-jump by intention back-in-time or forward-in-time, so your efforts coincide with ours.
    Thank you.
    in the light,
    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC; Councillor
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: [DrRichBoylanReports] An Afterward on Today's Joint PsychicExercise
    Thank you all for your wonderful participation in today's Joint Psychic Exercise.
    I could feel the energy and warm solidarity of your co-participation.
    Thanks also to Star Nations for their robust participation. Their multiplier energy helped assure a total success to this vitally important effort.
    Together we achieved a good outcome, the importance of which cannot be overstated. The Human race will survive, and will go on to grow into a mature, cosmic society.
    When our children and grandchildren come of age and  learn in History about the Transition we are helping make happen, in the Biblical phrasing: "they will rise up and call you blessed."
    While hundreds and perhaps thousands of Humans participated in this Exercise, along with over a million Star Visitors, and each could speak to your own experience during this Exercise, permit me to speak about mine as one example.
    I connected with the energy of Gaia/Mother Earth, and with root consciousness in the cosmos, and then psychically saw the containment vessels in which the Cabal had stored the killer plague organisms. I went inside and addressed the genetically-engineered microorganisms. I resonated with their plight, being forced into a blend which is against Nature, and the disharmony they must feel being wrenched that way. I pointed out that the reason for Human contact today is to help them get free of the monstrous hybridization they were forced into, and to accelerate the end-of-cell-cycle process to complete their brief lives more quickly; and that I and others were here to shepherd the life energy released by their cell deaths to Mother Nature,  for reinvesting in natural and life-giving growth processes. My particular focus was teleporting their life energies into the nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria in food plants growing in marginal climatic areas of Southwest Asia and Africa,
    I sensed that the pathogens welcomed the opportunity to end their current artificial existence and to return to a natural existence and to be involved in life processes rather than being engineered to kill.
    With this intention set I invited the pathogens to switch to apoptosis phase and initiate cell death, and to gently release their life force, that Nature might receive it and redirect it to aid the root growth of struggling food plants in regions where adversity makes finding food a struggle.
    Finally, I directed heart energy to the Cabal scientists and technicians involved in the bioweapons program, that those compartmentalized might come to know the monstrosity they were actually involved in, and that those fewer completely aware of the genocide program might have a change of heart and turn towards Orientation to Source/God.
          in the light,
          Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,  Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, California 95619,  USA
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