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Let's Work For What We Want, Not Fight Against What We Do Not Want!

Nancy Detweiler

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            Wow … we just sent the dark forces a ton of angry energy … we fed them for weeks to come. 


            Our planet and solar system are ascending within divine timing.  This transition period is not only about money.  We prolong the arrival of good by focusing our attention on “waiting” and on “anger.”  In truth, we are instructing the creative ethers to “wait” and to send our vehement emotional energy to the dark forces.


            Is this what we want?


            My intuitive guidance has been to tell the world about our galactic family … to do it any way we can … by speaking one on one … by joining a blog and writing about our cosmic family … however we can get the word out.  It is only as we focus on the overall picture of planetary and solar system transformation that we can use our energies to the highest good for all. 


            Sure, we all have our individual roles to play in this transformation process.  But, think of it:  is our role to feed the dark forces with angry, impatient energy?  Like attracts like—this universal law is absolute.  There can be no “but, I’m so tired of waiting” … “I’m so angry at the suffering on this planet.”  The creative ethers are very literal.  If we are angry, that energy fills the coffers of the dark forces. 


            I have found that it helps tremendously to get involved in positive action.  I, too feel anger and impatience.  I frequently ask, “How long, how long?”  I also know that in so doing, I am feeding the energy of darkness and of waiting.


            We must feed the energy of Love/Kindness and focus on Affirmations such as:  “Divine Order is unfolding in my life, in the life of my family, in the life of my planet, in the life of my solar system and galaxy.  And, I intend to assist!”


            A very positive action in which we all can engage is to share the news of our galactic family.  We don’t have to convince others they exist; instead, just to speak of our galactic family plants a seed in their minds.  Hopefully, they will be curious enough to explore for themselves.


            A trilogy of books channeled by Patricia Cori entitled The Sirian Revelations are the best books I have seen in giving a synopsis of all that is happening on our planet and a short history of how we came to be in the present situation.  I highly recommend reading and sharing these three books.  The more people learn of our galactic family and that they come in love and peace to assist Earth humans, the more receptive humankind will be to welcoming them to openly come and work side-by-side with us.


  Let’s pour our powerful emotional energy into working for our galactic family!    That is what we want!