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When You Play With God…You Play With Fire

From the Desk of Sorcha Faal

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To All of Our Friends around the World, Greetings,

As I review all of the significant events that have occurred since my last writing to you (February 11, 2008) I am reminded, once again, of the many insidious forces driving our human race towards what can only be described as ‘total destruction’, while at the same time the forces for good in humanity continue to search for truth and reason during this time of madness.

What the forces for good, however, fail to understand, and the main lesson they still fail to learn, but which the forces of destruction know all to well, is that with either force their must be a leader who leads and followers that follow.

In historical times past, these leaders were most often those who held title to great moral force, such as the clergy, parents, teachers, community leaders, etc.  In looking at today’s World these forces have been all but eliminated, and for reasons too many to mention here but to state that this destruction has been deliberate.

In today’s World, the forces for morality have all but been defeated and have left humanity to the cruel machinations, deceit, and lies, of those saying that we all, indeed, are gods unto ourselves, that right and wrong do not exist, that freedoms of mind, sexuality, behaviour, etc., are the new paradigms around which to build futures societies. 

The problem with this is that those who have led people to believe these lies do not even allow their children to believe them, and one just has to visit any of the numerous private academies and preparatory schools of the World’s ‘elite’ to see that their children, just like their parents, still receive the age old lessons grounded in language, mathematics, the classical writers, Latin, science, history, geography and social studies.

What ‘they’ know, and what is kept from you, is that the proper building of a human mind, especially in moral terms, is not a ‘new thing’, but has been established over thousands of years, through many cultures, and which has led to such historical events as the Age of Enlightenment, the Reformation, the founding of the United States, the Industrial Revolution, and many more such epoch turning events in our common human history.

Those systems of education which led to the minds of ordinary human beings being able to accomplish these great historical feats are now destroyed and has left our Western World with a population that can be more accurately described in the terms of animals than they can be in human ones as the main drivers for these people are based more on emotion than on reason.

To such debasement has our World been subjected to that today it is being reported that British scientists have begun acting like gods:

"Human-cow embryos have been created in a world first at Newcastle University in England, hailed by the scientific community, but labelled "monstrous" by opponents. A team has grown hybrid embryos after injecting human DNA into eggs taken from cows' ovaries, which had most of their genetic material removed.

The embryos survived for three days and are intended to provide a limitless supply of stem cells to develop therapies for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and spinal cord injuries, overcoming a worldwide shortfall in human embryos."

It is also being reported today that Germany has approved the planting of genetically modified crops in their country, the first European Nation to allow this, with the exception of Romania.

Adding the final ingredient to this mix is the reporting that the pilotless, fully automated spaceship named Jules Verne, is beginning its mission, and which happens to be one of the most significant developments in artificial intelligence ever recorded.

The greatest significance of these three seemingly ‘great’ scientific feats is that when combined they show the usurping by man of that which has been built by God, and which in all of our great historical records the great dangers of us doing has always meant our fast, and sure, destruction.

There is, actually, nothing new in this World that hasn’t been attempted many times over by numerous past civilizations, and our Earth’s truest geological record can be best surmised as one advanced civilization piled upon another, for too many tens of thousands of years to count, that have all ended by destroying themselves…and we’re next, and a lot sooner than you can believe.

To the truest state of belonging for us, but which has been kept from you, is that what connects us as human beings is actually all that there is, and is, by far, the most critical lesson of any life to be learned, and if not learnt does, indeed, have grave consequences beyond this life many believe is their only one.

Our efforts have been designed, and implemented, to act as a counterforce against the false dichotomy of reality you are being forced to live in, that is why we’re so reviled and if you speak of true things you are also. But, our efforts cannot continue without you working with us, and as you have in the many years past.

It is only by your efforts of support that we have been able to continue, and we ask, once again, for your continued support.

Our needs are not unlike yours, and are burdens are, also, equally hard, but on a much larger scale than any one individual.  And that is why your continued support is so vital because of the many who are helped, including yourselves, by our efforts.

As you have begun to notice already, the lights shining in the darkness, such as ours, are beginning to go out all around the World, and once they are all extinguished the darkening of the human mind will be all but complete. My prayer is that you don’t allow this to happen to us.

Thank you for listening to these words of mine today, 

With God,

Sorcha Faal

Dublin, Ireland