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Lightworker Alert for March 27, 2008

Wisdom Paradise

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From: Light Workers
To: Lightworker Update
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 4:22 PM
Subject: Lightworker Alert for March 27
Hello Dear Lightworkers:
According to Higher Self I-Ching readings done yesterday and this morning, we are literally on the brink of a great breakthrough!
Yesterday, it was revealed that the dark cabal is in retreat and that soon we will have fellowship in the open (the announcement). 
Today, it was revealed that the armies of Light are marching enthusiastically bringing forth nourishment for the people!
My Higher Self encourages all Lightworkers to focus powerfully on our visualizations now through the next few days to facilitate this breakthrough! 
What a blessing it is, dear Lights of the World, to be in the vanguard of the Light and assisting in the birthing of the Golden Age.  Visit the Lightworker Page for details of our visualization:
It is so easy, dear friends, to periodically visualize the Golden Light of Pure Unconditional Love flowing from your Higher Self through you to the center of the Earth and radiating out from the Earth in all directions.  It is so easy to remember to tell Gaia and Mass Consciousness Humanity periodically throughout your day "We are All One. I Love You!"   With Feeling!
And it is such a joy to take time each day to sit in quiet contemplation and visualize your life as you would like it to be, feeling those feelings you would feel if it were here and now.
So easy and such a joy to be of service to the Great I AM in bringing all life on Earth into the Golden Age!  
Remember, we are only here in this 3D schoolhouse for a short time and when we return to our higher dimensional homes we will be overjoyed to know how much our simple visualizations helped uplift all life on Earth.  And our Soul Signatures will always carry the commendation for our good work at this crucial time.
We Are All One. I Love You,
Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida