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Another Message From Sage: Who Can Heal America?

Sage Garland

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tally, morally, physically, spiritually, and economically sick.  She is near collapse and should be put on life support.  It is imperative that the best physicians be brought in who can examine Her in order to determine the best course of treatment before it is too late.  Alas, it may already be too late.

The doctors must be able to understand how She got into this condition and determine the causes that led to the effects She is now suffering in order to bring about a cure.  They must gently counsel her and lead the patient back to the past in order for Her to understand how She came to be in this condition and what course of actions must be taken in order to save Her life.  Over the years, healers and warners have emerged who have clearly seen the poisons in the mind and body of America and have elucidated what they see as remedies.  Though their words sounded harsh to the patient’s ears, the diagnoses were correct.  However, rather than accepting the remedies offered, the doctors are either shot or put out to pasture.

America cannot bear to look at herself.  She doesn’t want to be reminded of all the horrors she has been committing down through the ages to make the world hate Her and want to turn on Her.  She wants to overlook all the pain, death, sorrow and misery she has brought upon the world through hatred and greed and the lust for power.

America, I implore you to stop, look and listen to those who are trying to remind you of all the various sins you are still committing.  The melting pot is boiling over.  Shall we all get burned?  We must stop or go the way of the dinosaur.  Let us all be engaged in those things that will make the whole world fall in love with us all over again.

Below is a very necessary rerun: (first issued 09/19/01)                                                                                                                                                         

 My Dearly Beloved Fellow Planetarians

Each and every living creature that has its being here upon this Blessed place called Earth stands at a most pivotal point in time.  Our Mother Earth is so very tired and Her suffering has been most profound.  Her greatest pain comes with the witnessing of Her children fighting with increasingly greater intensity.                     

Now, She has come to a place where She realizes that She has done all that She can in order to hold back Her cleansing and release.  Mother's Soul is crying out for a higher realm where peace, love and plenty abound.  Her twin awaits Her arrival on the other side of the Sun.  There they shall hold a grand and glorious reunion lasting forever and forever.

I wonder how many will be able to raise their vibrations high enough in order to go with Her.

As Her waters have broken and Her Blood is issuing forth, Her Body quakes apart in preparation for the new birth.  Therefore, it is imperative that each continent, each country, each state, each municipality, each institution and each individual must now go through a period of self-examination.

We must all look to our beginnings and confess those words and deeds that were seasoned by ignorance, fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, selfishness greed and power.  Meditate on those we have hurt and begin to erase it all with a loving heart and mind.

The law of "cause and effect " is still in operation.  Therefore, from this moment on, remember that each word and each action shall serve to either gain us entrance into paradise as we yet live, or cause us to miss it altogether.

As our world passes through the Photon Belt, She enters a portal through which She shall give birth to Her new, glorified self.  Where will each one stand at that moment in time?  Shall we cross over with our Mother, or shall we be recycled back into time as the Afterbirth?

Since all have been given free will in which to operate, we each have a personal choice.

The clock is ticking...........