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A message from Patti Cota-Robles

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so they do not say "I am the sinister force, and I have come to ruin your life." They say "I am god, follow me."

Their misinformation and disinformation uses terminology that Lightworkers are familiar with in order to confuse and block activities of Light. Their attempts to block the influx of Light that took place during the Fire the Grid event failed miserably.  Much to their dismay, the Lightworkers redoubled their efforts and the influx of Light transcended the greatest expectations of Heaven.

Beloved Saint Germain has said the greatest means of sorcery occurring on Earth at this time is people drawing the attention of the masses to the negativity taking place around the world. Where our attention is there we are, whatever we focus on we empower. Do not empower those thoughtforms by addressing them or disputing them. Just let them go and invoke the I AM Presence of the souls involved to fill them with  God Illumination and Divine Truth.  That fear-based information has absolutely NO power over the Light, unless we choose to focus on it and empower it with our fears.

It is the Divine Intention with which  Lightworkers invoke the Light that determines the outcome. When millions of people around the world participate in the  Solar Wave with the Divine Intention of  Healing discordant energy and lifting Humanity  into a higher level of Divine Consciousness, that is exactly what will take place.

Remember, THE LIGHT OF GOD IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS, AND YOU ARE THAT LIGHT.  Keep shining your magnificent Light!

God Bless ~ Patti Cota-Robles
