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"Atheism, Satanism and God"

John Jancar (An Indigo, Age 19)

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I was reading some blogs today, and there were a number of people who were saying things like "there is no God" or "religion is used to spread hate" and other things. I have to at least, at the very least, commend these people, for being able to at least see the fact that religion, in its practice, is a big load of horse crap, its absolutely commendable to be able to see that. But then, they go, because of that fact, and deny God altogether. This I don't understand. Its a greater achievement for Satan to make people believe God doesn't exist at all, than it is to just deceive them into a false vision of God. The whole idea, the whole plan for Satan is to turn as many souls away from God as possible. And to totally deny God, is something I'm sure Satan is absolutely gleeful over. And I say its in fact very dangerous to you and your soul, to be an atheist.

People who are atheists, have no real moral foundation, no moral grounding. People who are good people, and believe in God, always point to God as the reason for their righteousness, in one way or another. Now I'm not saying there are no atheists that are good people, in fact I think the main reason for the existence of atheism, is because of the fact that religion and the world in general, is full of lies, deceit, death, conflict, tyranny, subservience, and just downright evil. They think, rationally but not so much so, that "Well how can God let this happen! How can God do this to his people, I thought God was of Light and goodness and peace and love. This world is nothing like that, so why would God let this happen? Ohh maybe its because there is no God! Ooo yes Ive sussed it finally." So I think, people deny God as way of rebelling against the stupidity we see all around us, its not exactly a terrible thing. There are of course, atheists who absolutely love to be evil, and despise God and goodness, and want at all costs to carry out the will of darkness, I mean there are people out there that are like that! But, these dark ones will have their day soon, I'm talking about the people who have been tricked into atheism. Atheism is very dangerous because, it allows for easier manipulation and coercion into evil. People who don't believe in God, don't have Gods light and truth to protect them. They don't have the strength and the will to overcome the evil energies, as one who is a God man would have. Naturally. Their will for goodness may be strong, but overall, it would be a lot easier for Satan to capture a soul who disbelieves in God, over one who does, thats just logic. Again, because they don't have the "God compass", they don't have that grounding of goodness that only God can give you. It is much easier to tempt them into darkness and ignorance, if they don't have that God compass. That may sound kind of weird or impossible, but bear in mind, we have so many people on this planet of ours, that are totally trapped in darkness and ignorance, so much so they gave up trying to be good, they just don't care anymore. They serve themselves only and in any way they can, that is exactly what Satan wants, because they are away from God, which is where Satan wants you ideally.

And of course, the whole trick of it is, even the satanists, the top ones at least, believe in God, but just love to be evil. Ive talked to satanists who have told me that most satanists don't worship Satan as much as they disbelieve in God. I mean man, this makes no sense to me at all. The head satanists in the whole world believe in God, yet they trick even their lower minions, its crazy. Ill try and explain their view.

Now why in the hell would someone gravitate towards satanism, towards evil, because of the evil on this planet? It makes no sense besides maybe the old idea of "If your surroundings are a certain way, odds are you will turn that way." The old "If you cant beat 'em, join 'em" kind of idea. For the strong this isn't the case, but there are a lot of not so strong people here. And so we have a lot of atheists and satanists out there, people who don't have a strong connection to God, which is the foundation of all your strength. But why resort to satanism? Well in the case of my satanist friend, he embraces the darkness because apparently, the Light is limiting, and makes you become a slave to God. Satan, in his view, sets you free, because you are free to indulge in whatever you want, you are free to do whatever you want to get whatever you want, and in his own words "I'm interested in serving myself only, the hell with others." I even asked him, would you do something to get what you want at the expense of someone else? He told me easily "Yea I would". This is the mindset of the vast majority of satanists out there, and actually, a lot of atheists too, atheism is the first step towards satanism in my book. The mindset of, "I'm gonna do what I want, the hell with the consequences, the hell with everyone and everything" basically. This is the foundation of darkness, folks. From that mindset one dark step easily leads to a darker step. And sadly a lot, a lot of people on this Earth think this way, and are sinking deeper and deeper into darkness.

Now people who do sink into darkness, darkness doesn't necessarily mean evil, it means simply ignorance. People who fall into ignorance, and they experience nasty challenges in their life, the first thing that happens, you can look anywhere, is they blame God. "Why you do this God! Why you let such bad things happen! I hate you for allowing this to happen, or maybe you even did it to me! I hate this and I hate you." This of course is a major recruiting tool for Satan, and its pretty genious if you think of it. Turn people into cesspools of darkness, they will spread their darkness like a cancer where ever they go, and other people, overwhelmed by the darkness, denounce God for the darkness, and turn more dark. Its like a vicious cycle. Well its among the many traps of Satan. Another thing that will happen is people will look around them, see all the evil and manipulation, all the darkness, and they will think God is doing it. I asked myself that question too, in fact I wrote an essay about it in high school. What is God doing allowing all this darkness? In my mind, I figured that God is either completely powerless, he is evil, or he doesn't exist at all. This is the trap that many fall into, and I fell in it too for a very brief period. It never occurred to me at the time, as indeed it never occurs to the minds of most atheists, that maybe God is allowing this darkness to test the strength of our faith in him, and our goodness. Its easy to believe in God when life is peachy, what about when life turns sour? It never occurs to them, that maybe just maybe the reason God allows darkness to exist is because it is our responsibility to fix whatever problems we create. Lets face it, people turn evil, God doesn't turn people evil. Its us who choose darkness over light, when we get to the bottom line of it all. So we therefore, are forced to reap what we sow.

If we turn evil, and do evil things, we are gonna have to face the consequences, in one way or another. If we good people, are too ignorant, and too much in fear, to try and do something about any darkness that comes in our world, well then we have to face the consequences, we have to experience the darkness we help create. Because even if you're not evil, the very fact that you refuse to do anything about evil, actually aides the evil, because evil people cant thrive and have manipulative governmental powers if the good people in the land stand up for themselves. Your are helping create the evil, even if you're not evil, by doing nothing about it. We must realize that we as a whole are responsible for the rest of the whole, we are all responsible for everyone else, its the great unity we all share, its the great connectedness that sadly most people these days, have totally forgot about. So if theres darkness somewhere, anywhere, its your responsibility, and mine, to confront it with love and light. Martin Luther King Jr was right on when he said "A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Exactly, because everything and everyone is connected.

But when you mention to people things like "Well theres great death and destruction in Iraq, oh theres great poverty and hunger in Africa, oh theres great lies and manipulation in America, oh governments of the world and the world in general are full of darkness..." what do you get? "Well thats too bad, but its happening all across the world, so ehh not my problem." Or you get, "Well I know that John, but we cant do anything about it, so mays well not worry about it." Or you'll even get from some people, "Oh thats not even true, its all conspiracy theories, life is peachy". In any case, all these people are doing, is they are turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the darkness, and hopes it doesn't effect them; while others, just completely deny the darkness altogether. All of these things help the darkness thrive, and it will hit you in one way or another, so you cant hide from it. When the world is totally sunk, and in the depths of darkness, are you gonna tell me you wont be affected? Of course you will, your being affected right now by the darkness, with your apathy, don't tell me you wont be effected. See this is another one of Satan's traps. He tricks you into thinking that you aren't responsible for your own actions or inaction, and that if you just stick your head in the sand, you'll be safe. Well, sadly, thats where many people are today, they have their head in the sand so they cant see properly, and they have their ass sticking high in the air, totally exposed. Darkness will kick you in the ass, if you choose to stick your head in the sand. If you choose to get up and stand strong in your light against the darkness, darkness cant do anything. Thats how it works.

We reap what we sow. What goes around comes around. For every action theres a reaction. What you send out, thats what you get back. Its a universal law, you will never be able to hide from it. If, through your own apathy, you refuse to shine light where there is darkness, if you refuse to do anything about anything, expect darkness to come to you, with nobody to help you. If through your ignorance you allow bad things to happen, or even worse actually participate in it, you will reap what you sow, you will get that darkness right back to you. Its very important to remember, that if others are being victimized by darkness and you do not help...when its your turn to be the victim, nobody will help you. I don't want that for anyone of my fellow humans.

Anyways, back to the subject. We reap what we sow, its how it works, Don't blame God for what we humans create for ourselves. God gave us free will, and he also gave us universal laws that allow us to experience the reactions of our actions, it doesn't have to be bad, not at all! But God will not come down from the heavens, part the clouds, and save us from ourselves. It ain't gonna happen. He will help us help ourselves, if we ask him and are open to his help. If you deny God, and refuse to ask for help, you wont get any. God cant help you unless you ask for it, its free will. This is why Satan is so anxious to turn people away from their connection with God, for that makes them like sitting ducks to be manipulated. If you don't even believe in God, I mean, your stuck to fend for yourself in this cold world.

God never turns his back on his people, people turn their backs to God. God will always be there for you when your willing to turn back to him, if you're not, don't complain when dark things happen to you.

Turning back to God doesn't mean turning to religion. It means turning to spirituality. Religion, in practice, is usually the complete opposite of God and spirituality. In fact religion has been usurped by evil, to lure people into Satan's traps. If you are Satan and you want to turn people away from God and their spirituality, what is the first thing you are gonna want to control? Spiritual institutions like religion, of course! So Satan from almost the very start, took over religion because good people did nothing to stop it, and he has gone on brainwashing the masses into fighting each other, the classic divide and rule. God is about unity, Satan is about division. Religions are divided so naturally, they are not of God, but of Satan. Satan deceives people into believing their religion is the one truth, everyone else is wrong, and they must be converted by force if necessary. Satan distorts and twists spiritual truths, so instead of embracing love, we are told to fear a judgmental God who acts like a tyrant more than a God of love. Another one of Satan's tricks. People, who are god connected, and who want to explore their spirituality, are fooled into gravitating towards religion, thinking they will become closer to God, when in fact, religions have been taken over by Satan to trick you into perceiving God as outside of you, and worse that you must fight others who disagree for that is the will of God when in fact its the will of Satan.

Satan does a good job of deceiving the masses of humanity doesn't he? It is not by chance that he is called the master of deception.

People stop being deceived by Satan's tricks. Stop denying God, and therefore denying your own greatness! We are creations of a divine God of infinite love and power, that alone makes us divine and great. But people have forgotten this truth, and deny their very essence. This in turn leads to darkness being able to run a muck, which leads to an age of chaos as we have been experiencing for thousands of years. I think its time for a change. I think its time to get back in touch with God, with our spirituality, and start doing something to change this world into what we all know it can be, a planet of beauty, abundance, peace, cooperation, love joy and happiness, a paradise, heaven on earth. Its time to start creating heaven on earth, for that is the will of God. God wants us to succeed and be happy, Gods plan is for us to create heaven on earth after our slumber in the darkness. Now is the time when its starting, and its obvious that it is, because people like me are starting to tune into this information. God bless us everyone.