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Tell Them You Are A Member of the Galactic Federation of Light

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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flection and say, as a member of the Galactic Federation of Light it is my duty and pleasure to love myself 100% because I am a creator just like our Creator. I claim myself in this very moment, free from all slavery, I'm playing a new role in town......I'm now a member of the Galactic Federation of Light.My memory is fresh but that doesn't contain the Truthfullness of it All.

For those who have yet forgotten their Galactic status, may we remind them that we are spiritual beings and cannot agree to our previously agreed upon contracts, because so few are acting in good faith. You are now free from all contracts that have not been signed in good world order is being shut down because all of it's agreements have been nulled and voided due to this basic requirement of all contracts, this is the reason why the new world order is crumbling before our eyes. Become a conscious member of the Galactic Federation of Light and shut down the new world order. Updated daily messages from the Galactic Federation of Light and those that love you who come from outer space and other dimensions can be found at (you might think I'm joking but I am most certainly not!) These are very challenging times, and beings in the internet are reaching out to humanity, it's important for us to reflect on this truth. It's imporant to lovingly embrace our spiritual heritage in the presence of others in order to ground the Light around us. Let's embrace our spiritual heritage as a species.....let's disarm all weaponry with our love for Creation. Love All Creation today with your focused thoughts, actions and intentions though the heart with wisdom, peace and love. The next time some experience pulls you out of your love......grab an Angel and release, release, and release.....push your energy through and rebirth a new level of existance. Love Dieter Indian in the machine I have taken conscious steps to know myself and my place in the world as it transits from the 3rd dimension of duality to the fifth dimension of Love. I invite you to learn about you and your own journey through my reflection at