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Surf Update


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e Surf into a swirling froth making it extremely unpredictable. Often the energies change drastically every five minutes or so. This requires that we strengthen our focus and pay close attention to what each moment needs. We may be full of energy and in the midst of getting lots done, then in an instant the outgoing energy is gone, just as if a plug has been pulled out of the socket and we are plunged into absolute fatigue or the profound state of Quantum Deep, requiring us to lie down. Then suddenly we are totally starving and need to eat huge amounts of food. Everything is happening with great intensity and taking us from one extreme to the next.

This Mega Quantum Surf is super intense and scouring throughout our beings just like a raging bonfire. So much is getting burned away from us. This is one of the reasons that we sometimes need to simply collapse and let everything go. So much is in the process of massive change. The old is dying away and the New is being born.

At times, there is a sharpness to the Surf caused by riptides underneath the surface that we don't see until we encounter them. When riptides are present, we need to be ultra aware, especially when we are out in the world. Cars can unexpectedly turn into our path, people in supermarkets may sharply cut in front of us with their shopping carts or a child or animal may suddenly run out in the road. All of this requires that we quickly develop our new navigational skills and don't do anything unconsciously.

While the Winds of Change are blowing with gale force intensity, the state of Quantum Deep continues to deepen. At times we feel as if we are traveling through a subterranean tunnel or being embedded in the sub-strata of the earth.

Other times we may feel as if we are traveling on a celestial barge, moving into the New and True. Whenever we are on the celestial barge, we are filled with a profound tiredness and can barely move. Everything is imbued with the deepest quiet. The celestial barge experience hasn't happened to me for several years until recently. It always requires that I stop whatever I'm doing, light all the candles and lie down. Whenever we are on the celestial barge, we are making major progress into the New. Our journey deepens and quickens....

A new level of Ho'o Pono Pono or Making Things Right is taking place. This is finally correcting some major wrongs, rebalancing previous imbalances as well as rebalancing and repatterning the entire Matrix, taking things to a totally new level. It is bringing about a huge reawakening for some. This is the feeling of finally waking up and seeing what is really happening. Some huge illusions that have kept people from being their true selves are dissolving. As this happens, reunions of kindred beings who have long been separate are taking place. These are the ones who are really meant to be together. Now that the veils of separation are melting away, nothing can keep them separate.

Major Intersections are still occurring with more yet to come. Every time that we encounter one, it totally realigns everything. It clears the slate and gives us a blank canvas upon which to paint our New Beginning in any colors we choose, including some of which we never knew existed.

The last remnants of the scaffolding that has long covered our emotional bodies is falling away. This creates tsunamis of emotion that often bring us to tears. Such a change from our numb and neutral state of the past year. As each piece of scaffolding falls off, we are plunged into the ocean of emotion and re-enter the Path of Love. This is the true and final path; the one that we have been searching for all along. And it is right in front of us. --