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Demonstrate the Light Within You

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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Now is not the time to believe that you are "shy" or have "low self-esteem"....especially if you believe that you are a Lightworker. So many Lightworkers are feeling weak, and that's because the Universe is gently pulling them where they haven't gone before in this lifetime. Have you invited the spaceships to land today? Did you do so yesterday? Experience powerful and healing vibrations up close, by being genuinely loving.

Your love is your greatest gift to humanity at this time, the more you give the more you receive.

Stand up and be a beacon of Light, there is nothing left to lose and there is everything to gain.

You deserve abundance however you must shed all limited thinking that prevents you from attracting it to yourself.

Each of us is special and Creator gets much pleasure from you? You came here to Earth, to satan's prison planet, to free the slaves in china, to feed the children of africa, to comfort and educate those living in ignorance, and to sing your song out loud in harmony, grace and peace, this is why our star family continually tell us how much they appreciate us.

Just like the birds of the Galapagos Islands, your voice is gorgous and cherished even when it isn't heard.

Everyday people will try to bring you down to their level....your mission is to master your response, so that you are not emotionally involved in perpetuating their self-created dramas and of course, your own. Ask yourself with pointed honesty......what did you create today, and what did you destroy?

Trust me on this one, I look at the sun low in the horizon, it is quite therapeutic to me.

Many of us have been in training for several lifetimes, and it's come down to this very moment, right Now.

There is nothing in this physical world that compares to the beauty of the higher high do you wish to ascend in this lifetime? The generations to come will thank you for the Light you are emitting at this time.......therefore it's paramount to know and repair your electro-magnetic field.

Obviously the more conscious you are at this time, the more you are able to focus and magnetize your Light.

Trust me, if you having difficulties at this time, it very likely related to the imbalances in your lower three chakras after all. Unbalanced lower chakras will keep you in the physical 3D world.....your mission is to break free of all limited thinking, inherited belief systems, and energy draining wouldn't be here if the Universe didn't believe you could do it.

Love, Dieter Indian in the machine Spirit of the Buffalo Bringing the healing arts, music and spiritual knowledge together.