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Dear Sister..."Focus"

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine

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Perhaps you are self-guided to difficult lessons, simply because you are choosing to remind yourself how painful it can be when one loses one's focus (thoughts, actions and intention) thus creating experiences that misappropriate one's energy.

To shift your current reality ie. give your engine that drives your experiences a "tune up"........simply "focus" your thoughts, actions and intentions to create wondrous things in the physical world.....perhaps in order for you to have more desirable experiences requires you to spend more time going through the treasures inside, they hold instructions as to what to focus on, ie. that which is designed to give you the ultimate joy/bliss/Light ride.

Focus is your key to navigating chaos by making more comfortable choices.

Focus is your key to accessing your power to create pleasing experiences.

Meditation........perhaps it's as necessary at this time as pure water.....perhaps meditation will have more financial payoff than a pay raise as an example........

I believe that if you closed your eyes and have several moments of selflove all throughout the day........if you wrote down your intentions and then reflected on them and focused........if you further open that doorway inside, that houses infinite treasure......if you take time to kneel down and let the gold run through your fingers........then you will have food, you will have everything you need and so much more.

And finally........detox detox detox! You know the game and it's serious........and that too, requires your focus.....create conditions of love in willing to live as an Angel in the dust....



Indian in the machine

"Dear Indian..."