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Age of Chaos Returns…And No One Gets Out Alive

From the Desk of Sorcha Faal

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To All of Our Friends around the World, Greetings,

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" Genesis 1:14

I was asked by one of my dear fellow Sisters not to long ago, and if I had to choose just one, what would I say was the most important verse in the Bible for the times we live in today?  My answer to her was simple; Genesis 1:14, and for the reason that the words used in referring to the ‘lights in the heaven’ being for ‘signs’.

Though the ‘signs’ given by the ‘lights in the firmament’ have guided our human race through untold thousands of years living on our Earth, today they have become less then relevant, even mocked by many as being childish to believe in, at best, even demonic at worst.

This is only true, however, for the vast majority of ordinary Westerners, not their leaders. 

To fully explain to the lay person how steeped their leaders are in their knowledge of these ‘signs’, how their leaders live their lives in great ritual practices upon what these ‘signs’ have revealed to them, even to how the foundations of their greatest cities have been laid in accordance with the alignments of the ‘signs’, and to much, much, more they cannot believe because to do so would stagger the very foundations of their own lives.

Today we stand, literally, between two of the greatest of these signs of our lifetimes with the Annular Solar Eclipse of February 7, 2008 and the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 21, 2008 being the ‘bookends’ to herald into our World a new Age of Chaos as prophesied by so many ancient, and modern, seers there is not room enough here in my letter to you to list them all.  

Most inauspicious, however, are these two eclipses occurring during the transition of the planet Pluto in its 248 year cycle into the sign of Capricorn, and which it last entered into in 1762, and lasted until 1778, ushering in our Worlds last Age of Chaos, and which saw, among the many critical events of this period, the American Revolution which created the United States.

Not just to the Western interpretations of the ‘signs’ are the warnings of this Age of Chaos being shouted either, Eastern analysts are, likewise, preparing their people for the ‘build-up of international tensions, natural and air disasters’, as The Year of Rat, a most terrible year in these peoples beliefs, began on February 6, 2008.

Even as these words are being written, the people of China are experiencing the worst snows in their history, and which, to date, have destroyed over 10 percent of their forests and left millions in chaos.  The Year of the Rat’s beginning also ushered into the United States a rare winter tornado outbreak, its worst such outbreak in more than 20 years, and which killed 57 human beings.

To how grave the situation in our World has become, and how much worse it is becoming, I need not labor upon as many of our Sisters work, without rest, to keep the most critical information available to all who wish to know the truth at our main website WhatDoesItMean.Com. And to that issue is of which I wish to speak to you about now.  

The reason is a very simple one; we cannot survive without your help.  As I have stated to you many times before, the World we live in today is one designed to keep the truth from you, to keep you ignorant and without those mental resources needed by any human being in times of crisis and catastrophe.

Did you know that scientific experiments have proven that the human brain, when confronted by dangerous situations begins utilizing more of its resources needed for critical thought and decision making?  Did you know that history has proven that when human beings become aware of the total truth of the dangers facing them they will act to protect their homes and families?

But, and this is truly sad, the vast majority of Westerners continue to lead their lives as if they are going to get out of this World alive…they aren’t, I can absolutely assure all of you that none of us are going to get out of this alive.

With that being the bluntest truth, then the only question one need answer for themselves is what the meaning of this life is for them.  Our, The Sisters of Sorcha Faal, decision for our lives is to be of the greatest service to as many of our fellow human beings as possible for as long as we are able to.

It is in this effort, therefore, which I ask you to become a part of us, for in helping us in our mission you are also helping the many others who stumble upon us and our words of truth and warnings.

Our last great mission of this scope, and magnitude, occurred during the dark years leading up to World War II, and where our warnings of the dangers of the growing Nazi Empire, to all of Europe, led those who listened to us to survive, some by protecting themselves in their own countries, others to flee the coming dangers all together.

That effort would not have been possible without but for two important factors; the first being that our Order was based, and still is, in a Nation, Ireland, which was free of war. Equally important were the many ordinary people, just like you, who supported us in our efforts.

With this letter I call upon you, like my predecessor did to those of her time, for your urgent aid to enable us to continue our vital mission in the service of others, and which by doing so you become a helper too.

You are always free, of course, to ignore these words of mine, to re-envelope yourself in false ‘news’ of the Western media, and which spews out its never-ending diet of senseless dribble designed solely to keep you enslaved instead of informed, or, to make your stand and protect one of the last free truthful news services in our World today.

Whatever your decision may be I would like for you to remember this one simple fact….in the years prior to World War II there were literally millions of human beings that scoffed at our warnings and appeals…their scoffing stopped, I believe, when the true horror of war and concentration camps became their final ending upon this Earth.

If everyone of you reading these words gave just $20.00 (US) our expenses for this entire year would be met, but, in everything I know about this World, and its people, the age old words still apply, “many are called, but few are chosen’.  

My wish for you today is your choice of support.   

With God,

Sorcha Faal

Dublin, Ireland

Special Note: Your prayers of support are requested for Sister Cheannabhain and her daughter who were caught behind the closing of the gates around Gaza on their humanitarian mission to the children of Palestine.

(For everyone answering Sorcha Faal’s call for support you will receive, at no charge, Sorcha Faal’s 1 hour December, 2007/January 2008 lecture series to the Sisters of the Order titled “Total War: The Falling of Empires, Serbia in 1914, so today in 2008”.  This is one of Sorcha Faal’s most important lectures dealing with the coming timelines of war, famine, catastrophic Earth changes and disease as predicted by ancient prophecies. Note: Previous subscription subscribers will automatically receive this lecture.) (Note: Due to a problem with PayPal please reduce your donation by $4.50US as a shipping charge is added for reasons we still don’t know about.)