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The U.S. Administration is Counting On You...

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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--  to get discouraged.
-- to look the other way.
-- to ignore potent 9-11 evidence of goverment and media covering up the Truth.

-- to not know the Truth and do nothing.

-- to know the Truth and then do nothing.

-- to supply what it needs for it's world domination plans.

-- to not educate yourself and then take direct powerful action.

-- to not do anything about fluoride.

-- to remain addicted to your current way of existance by distracting you from the Universe.

-- to ignore the fact that the fiat currency economic system needs to be updated in the Light.

-- to ignore the 100 pounds of depleted uranium that was dropped a few weeks ago.

-- to not see that all elections are rigged.

-- to not look inside the underground cities they've built.

-- to not know the difference between heaven and hell.

-- to not know the true power of meditation in the Light.

-- to not assert yourself, while it continually poisons the food supply.

-- to not do anything about the chemtrails it dumps on your head.

The US adminstration is shaking the economy up and down so that they can gather all the apples.

They are counting on you:
-- to believe that the financial system is an honest one when it feeds evil.
-- to not believe/acknowledge or comprehend the concept of the Galactic Federation of Light, or any Lighted Brotherhood that comes to our planet in the name of God.

Realize your true power to transform this planet in the Light.  There's so much potential in each of us.  May we all realize our heart's desire, so that each human can operate in harmony with one another in eternal peace.  Can you see the power of daily meditation?  Loving ones, if you wish to utilize the energies of God to assist you, then you must ask and listen for the answer. There should be no human on this planet who isn't taking direct and powerful detoxification efforts.  As each human detoxifies, they remove electrical  resistance of a very powerful electromagnetic system.....our bodies.


What then will happen is that this will transform the potential to reveal, who we really are, both to others and to Self.  Basically, if you desire peaceful world changes, then please eat pure, and detoxify, and consider several personal meditations asking God to help you reveal your magnificance! 

The US adminstration is counting on you:
 -- to not notice that the television networks have been excluding Ron Paul from fair and balanced television coverage/ because he represents the true voice of the American electorate.
-- to go back to your regular programming.
Basically the entire Universe is supporting each of us in our ascension to the Light.
