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Where is the Faith in the Unseen?

Thomas Wilcox

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I see that some great folks out there are not able (From logic/5 senses/brain thinking perspective) to see or feel the unseen and the tremendous Light Forces poised just outside our atmosphere and well inside the alternate senses of many of us. They seem also to not feel or acknowledge the Heart Center within themselves that is opening like a flower! It is connected to the ONE and the ONLY greatness of all creation!

WE are all that perfect creation, that perfect minute aspect of the ALL that is. We are not defective no matter how we have chosen to express our uniqueness. Our current leaders have made huge long range plans, enormous physical might, and powerful governments, but they have not built anything that will last through the coming storm of Divine Light. One small weakness in their foundation, and all they have built by Darkness crumbles. We have all seen. Just look into history! Big empire equals Big fall. Big empires always crumble under their own weight.

Anyone that can deny the changes within their own heart does so at their own doom. Oppose nothing. Support your dreams of goodness for all souls, and all is well. The Dark only follow their old plans, as they have nothing new to add. We are the new hope. New energy-life abounds at our very touch! There is so much more to who or what we are than the physical expression of our container vessels. Imagine the power it takes to cause that great being to change, blossom, open and embrace eternity.

Banking thefts? Perhaps, but money is a temporary expression and 3D exchange medium. We are leaving it behind anyway! Those that have money and power and control, as their only focus, are leaving this planet forever! Who could withstand such might, as we have, but have little used? Higher life forms have helped us all along and have not always told everyone what is happening. And if so, did we always pay attention? Were we too busy in 3D to pay attention?

Why do some give up, NOW? Would our Creator abandon us now, after all that has been done? Watching, as I do as the Darkness is chased into the corners, I am moved beyond proper expression by the Love I feel for all people. I am one very average soul, and I can see it! We are very close here. Why else would powerful people openly panic, as we become aware of our truths? Signs bound for all to see. Why do not the intelligent and very worthy intellects not seem to see it?

Has the brain overcome the mind? Has the body overcome the soul? If I rant without sensitivity, that has not been my way. I stand not in jugement, but in concern for my fellow travelers. Please, Patrick, you have the gift to perhaps reach them better. I know noone can force information into a being, but the truth I have felt cannot be "All in my head". It was never there at all, but in the heart, waiting to be discovered. My heart is certainly not superior to any other. It just reaches out, now, in the only words I could find. May all find within themselves the Divine Truths that are there, for it is more than faith alone could ever provide!