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A Very Special Message To An Everyday Indain Just LIke You and Me

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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*Awaken the spiritual warrior in you* There is a grand awakening taking place. Are you participating? Clearly many are experiencing illnesses, depression, anxiety and stress and do not know the full story.

*Governments, corporations and media betray the Indians* Take a look around you. Corporations and government control everything. This isn't God's way. God's way is for everyone to be free of taxes, slavery, poverty and control. Our planet is a slave planet. Everywhere, sugar, alcohol, pop and processed foods are forced upon the population. Is this normal? Brothers and sisters, we are designed to eat pure and live pure lives on a pure planet. When our lives are not pure, imbalance and the potential for slavery sets in and this will eventually need to be corrected. What you may be experiencing in this lifetime has been about transmuting the negativity you were born into. This phase of your life is almost behind you forever. What remains is for you to make the final push out of the Darkness and into the Light. You are not alone and have plenty of assistance, however, your personal leadership skills are required at this time.

*Create your world anew using your spiritual power*. Wouldn't you like to live in a world free from treaty cards (treaties are worthless if the government doesn't honour them), casinos, bingos, financial terrorism, welfare checks, high rent, high taxes, irrelevant laws, war, corruption and overall inequality? If so, then create it now with your Light and Love. Make no mistake, the Universe wants us to be only as free as we choose, because this is the Universal Law of Attraction at work.

*Your every thought counts* The key to becoming free of that which enslaves you involves envisoning a better way, followed by focused thought intention and to be spiritually receptive to the Universe around you. Sadly to entire failure of our province of Saskatchewan and Canada our country for now, so many of those in government, corporation and media have kept this secret from you, for in many cases, this knowledge has been lost from your communities and hidden until now.

The message is this:

*"When we live pure lives, we can maximize our spiritual potential to create our world anew everyday in powerful ways".*

Can you see how incredible this news is? What this essentially means, is that there is powerful energy in every moment, therefore every thought counts. Dear ones, can you now see why the government, media and corporations wish to see you distracted from this Truth? Can you see why Hollywood wants you to be entertained with violence, toilet humour and anything that degrades life itself, so that social and personal unrest continues to persist?

*It is your BIRTHRIGHT to live under Universal Law* You are I are equal in the eyes of our Creator. Therefore all manmade inequalities that continue to exist, are no longer necessary. Do you realize that if you stand up as your BIRTHRIGHT to live your live as a spiritually powerful and equal being, that no one in the Light, shall stand in your way? I fully support each and every one of you who choses to exercise this BIRTHRIGHT. Your ancestors and many around us today may have forgotten this BIRTHRIGHT, but it has been there and will always be there for you, for this is the Universe's way. It is your BIRTHRIGHT to live under Universal Law To review Universal Law visit

*The Universe wants humanity to be free and powerful* This is what you can do to free yourself, and to assist all generations to follow us into the Golden Age:

1. First and foremost, is that you share this information as it shall only be passed from person-to-person. If you don't normally forward emails, then consider what it means to you, to live life anew today.

2. Constantly and respectfully exercise your BIRTHRIGHT to be and live everyday as a free and powerful spiritual being. Obviously the people around us may need to re-evaluate all the manmade laws, rules and customs, that continue to enslave humanity to itself. Let's exercise our spiritual BIRTHRIGHT in a peaceful loving manner.

3. Purify yourself spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

4. Take full responsibility for what you experience in this lifetime. Lessons learned at this time do not ever need repeating.

5. Mediate several times a day on behalf of humanity, on global peace and financial prosperity for all. The Universe is abundant. Often we don't experience that abundance because of the manmade rules, laws and customs. The great news this mesage brings is that this can be immediately changed at any time. Let's all go for an upgrade shall we? Your governments, corporations and media don't acknowledge the power of our individual and collective thoughtforms, because then we'd all be meditating and creating our world anew quickly and out from the influence of external forces, who don't have our interests at heart. Are you ready, yet, to utilize your thoughtforms and to assist others to awaken to the power of their thoughtforms?

6. You can stay up-to-date by visiting the powerful spiritual websites that are updated everyday. Two recommendations are and

7. Live from the heart in a balanced way.

8. Sunshine (including photon energy from raw food), rest and pure water are your greatest assets at this time. Throw away the vitamins which are a very processed food and are toxic.

*Ionic footbath plates can detox harmful chemicals including government/military chemtrails and many processed foods* Also you may be interested to know that I sell ionic footbath plates online and ship internationally. These inexpensive ionic footbath plates can greatly assist the personal detoxification process by removing 1000's of toxins out through the feet including chemtrails. In case you are not aware of what a chemtrail is, here is a link of some photos of the deliberate spraying of our precious earth with noxious chemicals. Chemtrails are partially responsible for the many flu-like illnesses, please feel free to visit this website to do a

I want you to know that your government is financially/morally/legally liable for allowing military to spray the air with intentional poisons. Now that you know, what is your response?

Visit my site for more info on ionic footbath plates, free music, articles and amazing sky spirit photography.

In spirit and my blessings and support I wish you a grand continued awakening......we're all indians in the machine,

Dieter Braun

Indian in the machine

Ionic footbath plates, music, articles, amazing sky spirit photography