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Concerning Prophets and Truth One More Time

Anton Miller

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A writing from within....The voices of the prophets of old still speak.  The Ancient Ones still speak. What is it that is wanted or expected from  a prophet? Prediction of the future? Does not a True prophet speak  about what is before his eyes, in the Truth of God, seeing through all  illusions and lies? Does not a True prophet point out and cry out for  correction of error and present the options of consequence when error  continues. There are no new prophets. The voices of the old and the  Ancient Ones still speak. The prophets that come forth now are a  unified "voice of consciousness" that speaks. Are not the combined  voices of those who brought forth the Phoenix Journals a prophetic voice  that continues to point out our errors and the options for correction on  the part of anyone who chooses to listen and follow the guidance of  Truth and Light? Is this any difference from the same efforts made by  the True prophets of old? Are not the Phoenix Journals the prophet(s) that come forth now as the curtain draws  nigh on the last stage of this civilization?

In Love and Light,

Anton Miller