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10 Powerful Thoughtforms to Alter World Government

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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the consciousness grids)?  Time your own daily progres....the results might surprise you...remember, your thoughts will create your reality.

1.  May All human dark control by corporations, military, government and corporations come to an immediate end.

2.  May the people of planet Earth, wake up in a powerful and loving manner.

3.  May all people have fair access to all hidden technologies paid with taxpayers money.

4.  May all military bombs/weaponry/equipment on and off planet be immediately dismantled.

5.  May our planet receive loving assistance from the Angelic realms and from our star family.

6.  May all the activities and plans directly connected to establishing a world government at this time come forth as Truth to everyone.

7.  May a fair and equitable financial system be immediately established across the planet.

8.  May all humans take 100% full responsibility for personal and public health.

9.  May Universal Law and the Laws of Creation be the foundation within any World Government.

10.  May all humans recognize how Light and frequency are expressed in the energy of everything.

Dieter Braun

(Indian i the machine)

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