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The Lightworkers of planet Gaia 2007

Dieter Braun

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I can laugh because no matter how dark the energies swirls around me, I can transmute it.

I am smiling because I can appreciate the meaning behind my next "learning lesson" without feeding my ego.

There is a power within me and it's called "adventurous soul".

I'm like Buddha on a street corner...being choked on the roadside by the smog.

A few days ago I may have pulled out a computer chip implant from my stomach.....the realization was like a wave of darkness washing over me.

Yeah I say "Love Love and Love" on the internet because what else did you think would defeated the darkness around us?

I am fully protected along with the Love you are sending me.

Never before have felt so many entities standing with me, side by side.

We're all in varied degrees of dissolving our egos.

There is the consciousness of 1 trillion computerchips in the energy of

1 hour of bathing in the sun's rays.

I am so dedicated to my mission I laugh, I'm so dedicated to reaching the core of my being and snuggling up with the treasures that I find.

The darkness watches over us in a duststorm, one must discover the best cleansing method similar to dusting off one's shoulders.

Cleansing can be experienced in "illness" but wouldn't it be easier if one could simply use rhythm, intent and to reaffirm their divine connection as a preventative method.

The Lightworkers of planet Gaia 2007 are sharing their knowledge of cleansing methods in order to assist in the repair of each human's electromagnetic field.

Brothers and sisters.....this planet is so far away from the Great Central Sun, that we cannot see it with our eyes, but that doesn't mean that is isn't there.

We are living on a blue jewel Gaia, and I say to her, "Cleanse.....cleanse and hold me in your arms".

Can you see the sky spirit in this image?......I have posted many more images like this at my website.



I'm a guy who is really big on cleansing and I share how to do it in a quick, effective and joyful manner. Keep it beautiful and thanks for being here unique, wonderful ou!