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Last Night I Had A Dream

By Gary McDaniel

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rom the podium and one of the other politicians quickly took his place and after a couple of sentences the same thing happened to him. The others standing alongside them were now looking panicky, and I sensed that they were all lying about whatever it was they were telling us. None of them could speak truthfully about the issue as their tongues were forked. Then as I watched their faces began to metamorphous into some sort of an animal or grotesque image. They lost all credibility as the masks came off and their true nature was revealed. At this point the dream faded and I woke up.

Lying there I ask the Spirit for an interpretation. I felt the Spirit say that the scene represented congressmen who were trying to cover up their involvement in the many nefarious deeds they have been involved in. They were being trapped in their own lies and cover ups. Their higher selves were no longer allowing them to utter untruths and twisted words and their mouths were being stopped up and their words garbled by angelic forces. Their fallen nature was going to be shown on their faces for all to see. They would no longer be able to defend themselves or make excuses for their failure to do what is right in the eyes of Creator Source.

I got the distinct impression this vivid dream was relevant to what has already been unfolding since the turn of the year. It is like a volcano has erupted and is spewing out the corruption and filth of many millennia of abuse.

Lightworkers this morning I was again spoken to by the Spirit just before arising. I was told to open the Bible and read all three chapters of the Old Testament book of Joel. This book is EXTREMELY relevant to natural and spiritual events that are unfolding NOW! I do not have time to go into all that is being revealed to me at this moment from the book of Joel. I can only say that we are in very ominous times for those who DO NOT know the TRUE light and are not prepared for events that are rapidly unfolding.

Just scanning the breaking news and messages being posted this morning I can see many confirmations that the dark cabal is nearing total collapse. The protagonist Ariel Sharon has fallen in the same manner as his antagonist Yasser Arafat, with a massive cerebral hemorrhage. The Jack Abramoff scandal exploded like a nuclear bomb over Washington and has congressmen of both parties running for cover. (My dream?) Unfortunately Iraq has exploded again in a wave of violence the last couple of days with seven more U.S. soldiers killed just today. In Mecca where millions of Moslems are gathering for the annual hajj many pilgrims were kill when a building collapsed on them. Foreign intelligence sources say that an invasion of Iran by the U.S with a massive preemptive strike with conventional and nuclear weapons is imminent. Today Bush has convened a big powwow of past and present military and government leaders at the White House, where he is asking for advice on how in the hell he can get himself out of the firestorm that is about to envelope him and his administration.

These earthly events are just a precursor to dramatic spiritual events that are ready to come on the scene as the heavenly hosts are now prepared to make themselves known to humanity at large. Numerous messages from the hosts of heaven the last couple of days have told the lightworkers to get ready for their appearance as there will be no more delays.

I, like many of you, have been reluctant lately to jump on the bandwagon of getting our expectations up only to see the promised events not materialize. The recent mine tragedy in West Virginia being a case in point where the families were told that their loved ones had miraculously survived, and then told three hours later that only one miner was alive and rescued. What a horrific rollercoaster ride of emotions the families endured. The family of lightworkers do not need anymore erroneous information given them concerning the imminent manifestation of all that has been promised them if they would only believe.

The dream I related earlier to you does confirm for me that something indeed is up, and coupling the dream with the STRONG urging by the Spirit to read the book of Joel this morning, I am stepping out in FAITH and saying that the door is now open for events to unfold rapidly leading to NESARA, First Contact, and the 2nd Coming. My last update was titled, “The Long Wait is Now Over” and I now believe that more than ever! I am ready as I know all of you are TO GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!

It appears the drum roll has started and the Lightworker Army of Creator Source is going forth to reclaim His inheritance. I leave you with a few of the verses from the Book of Joel that especially spoke to me this morning; I hope they speak to you as well. I have added caps and emphasis where I have felt lead.

Gary McDaniel

23People of Zion, be glad.

Be joyful because of what the Lord your God has done.

He has given you the right amount of rain in the fall.

He has sent you plenty of showers.

He has sent fall and spring rains alike,

just as he did before.

24Your threshing floors will be covered with grain.

Olive oil and fresh wine will spill over

from the places where they are stored.

25The Lord says,

"I sent a great army of locusts to attack you.

They included common locusts, giant locusts,

young locusts and other locusts.

I will make up for the years

they ate your crops.

26You will have plenty to eat.

It will satisfy you completely.

Then you will praise me.

I am the Lord your God.

I have done wonderful miracles for you.

My people will NEVER be put to shame again.

27You will know that I am with you in Israel.

I am the Lord your God.

There is no other God.

So my people will NEVER be put to shame again.

The Day of the Lord Is Coming

28"After that, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy.

Your old men will have dreams.

Your young men will have visions.

29In those days I will pour out my Spirit

on those who serve me, men and women alike.

30I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth.

There will be blood and fire and clouds of smoke.

31The sun will become dark.

The moon will turn red like blood.

It will happen before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.

Joel 2:23 to 31 New International Version

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