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By Scott Beebe

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n of value is always relative to its importance to you. The less important something is to you, the less significance and the less value it appears to have. These arbitrary judgments are applied to the things and the people that come into your life. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "one man's treasure is another man's trash" are both expressions, which illustrate the subjective nature of judgment.

Do things have intrinsic value beyond our subjective appraisals? How do you measure worth and value? Some things may appear to have more utility or be more aesthetically pleasing, but their value is only relative to the importance you give them. You create value by elevating the importance of something in the mind. The more important it is deemed to be, the more valuable it is considered. Real value is not intrinsic in things, but in the Source of all things. The significance you place on objects detracts from your appreciation of their originator. Spiritual progress is marked by your decreased attachment to things and your increased appreciation and gratitude towards the provider of all things.

Selection is a part of life on the physical plane. We use individual or collective criteria to choose out of a vast array of alternatives. These criteria set the standards for our judgments. We run into problems when we begin to judge people like we do objects. It is true that people do and say many silly and hurtful things, but that is not who they are. It is only an indication of whatever level of consciousness they are presently at. Christ's pronouncement of, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do", is accurate at all levels of perception. Our judgment of others as inadequate, implies our judgment of their Source as inept as well.

Misperceptions, on the other hand, are due to lack of understanding. They say nothing about who a person is, but only where they are in their development of consciousness. Your insistence that a person should know better or do better does not alter the reality of where they are. Correct perception on your part is to realize that they are always doing the best that they can at each particular moment. Judging them will entrain you to their level of consciousness and you will begin to process their emotional patterns. Prolonged negative judgment of a person that is close to you, such as a family member or a partner, can result in a distortion of your core energy body into a misalignment of the mental body.

Do not judge what you cannot understand, which includes almost everything. Judgment always defines the person doing the judging and not what or who is being judged. Your own limitations and sense of importance is what you project and not the value or significance of what you observe. Once you realize this important distinction, you can be discerning, without becoming judgmental. Discernment means consciously ordering reality according to your present likes and dislikes, but understanding that it is only an arbitrary arrangement, which may change as consciousness shifts. What you deem as "good" or "bad" today may change as you change. Knowing the difference between judgment and discernment is essential to spiritual progress.

Your heart does not judge. It knows only unity and love. Follow the directions of your heart when making a choice. Your heart will help you detect the divinity in all things and all of your choices will be choices of abundance. Follow your heart and realize that there is nothing to judge. Everything just is.

The people in your life have come to help you and you have agreed to help them. Give them the respect and honor that they deserve and they will respect and honor you as well. Serve them and you will be served, love them and you will be loved, give to them and you will receive. That is the way that energy works, although it may not always come directly from those you serve, it will come from somewhere. Be assured of that.

Scott Beebe
