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By Clifford Young

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ebts have been erased, all mortgages paid up, income tax has been dissolved (so there's no more withholding…greater take-home pay), and we all start getting checks for $100,000 or more in the mail. Coupled with this will be the startling news that our entire government has resigned and many have been placed under arrest. The war in Iraq is suddenly declared finished and soldiers soon will be returning home. Somewhere amidst all the news reports will be the even MORE startling news that these changes were assisted behind the scenes by beings from many other planets who have been visiting us for hundreds or thousands of years. We will soon begin seeing space ships fly through our skies, we will see aliens being interviewed by Peter Jennings and Oprah Winfrey; some of them will look like us and some will not. In addition, new technologies will presumably be relatively quickly introduced to solve a myriad of issues – power, food, clothing, transportation, etc. What effect will all of this have on us? Since the Galatic Federation has studied us and seems to know us pretty well, I assume they have many scenarios in place for how they think we will react. If they do, they haven't shared that particular segment of information with us (through channelings and whatnot), so it behooves us to do our own speculating.

Initially, I think there will be a great sigh of relief, and a general sense of euphoria will pervade our culture. Republicans who stood by `their man' will initially be very bitter, but the perks of all the changes will probably change many minds.

Because so much new information and so many startling events will be happening, I think, a large percentage of our society will be glued to their TV sets and stay home. Hospital and emergency personnel tend to have a rather high sense of responsibility, so many of them will continue to show up to care for patients and to deal with the day to day disasters (fires, car crashes, accidents, etc.).

With a vast influx of money being dispersed throughout society, what is to prevent inflation from taking place? I mean, if all of a sudden a million people can suddenly afford to buy palatial estates, what's to stop developers and sellers from quadrupling their prices, or from ANY manufacturer from raising their prices? Now, this seemed really obvious to me so I have to assume this has already been thought of and plans are well in place to deal with this precise issue.

If most people in our society suddenly find themselves with flush bank accounts, what's the motivation to work? I mean, I'm sure it's possible that there is a percentage of minimum-wage workers who really enjoy working at MacDonalds, but I am going to assume that a larger percentage do not. Let's be generous and say 60% do not. MacDonalds will suddenly find itself with near empty establishments and a bottom line plunging into the red. In ANY restaurant or night club or movie theatre or bank or office of any kind...if someone doesn't enjoy their work, they will probably resign, not everyone, but a large percentage. This, by itself, will have a radical effect on our economy. Ok, everyone has more money and wants to buy a BMW, but not everyone is showing up at the BMW plant in Munich to assemble the cars. I'm sure it will all work out, but for awhile it seems like there might be a lot of disruption.

The flip side of people not being motivated to work is that gradually many people will come to the conclusion that they can NOW do what they've always WANTED to do, start a theatre, make movies, do puppet shows, go back to school, create centers for healing, learn how to read, whatever. THIS consciousness, I think, will have a hugely palliative effect on our society, because over the course of time you will encounter more and more people who are doing precisely what they want to do! How much fun will that be? When you go to a restaurant you will encounter a waiter who loves being a waiter because even though he has enough money to not have to work, he chooses to be a waiter, because he enjoys it. I think this will have a whole ripple effect in the general mood of our society. You'll go into stores, hotels, restaurants, your own job...and be persistently confronted with people who like what they're doing. This, by itself, will elevate the vibrations of our planet.

The revelations of what the cabal has been up to over the years will create a lot of anger. This anger will need to be dealt with through our new, improved justice system and hopefully enough cool heads will prevail.

I've been trying to wrap my brain around what the effect of having regular contact with alien species will have on us, but I am having some difficulty. In Arthur C. Clarke's seminal story "Childhood's End" there are some interesting accounts of what it might be like to periodically encounter ET's at the library or at a hip party (I'd be curious to see how alien species dance).

On a more serious note I've often thought over the years that if we had regular contact with several advanced species, would our motivation to invent new technology dissipate? Since an already more advanced version of __________ has been in use for thousands of years, why bother working on the next version of the Intel chip? My concern may be groundless. There may be so much excitement in the air with the new technologies and prosperity that it won't come up as an issue.

I'd be curious to read anyone else's thoughts on this issue.

