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Enlightenment: "The Light Came On"

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l in life. Your goal is to become enlightened as to what is needed "NOW", for the upliftment of the race. Remember this all starts with you. Your loving "ATTITUDES" and "BELIEF SYSTEMS" must be formulated in the right direction.

Spirit then told me, Nesara would be very beneficial to mankind. They also told me that it will happen under the proper circumstances. They went on to say, many powerful beings are working for this to happen. But, they need your assistance. You must spend more of your valuable time spreading the Light of Love out into the world. The many prayer groups have helped us to bring in more light, but more is needed. We ask that you and the others waiting for Nesara, quit waiting and get to work doing what you can for the upliftment of the mankind. .

Spirit went on to say, as a light worker, you have the unique opportunity to make a real difference in the world. This difference must start with your own personal development. Start by putting your own house in order. If you have complaints with someone in your life, simply cease your judgement and allow that person to find their own truth in their own way. Remember, that your criticism and judgement will do nothing but create more problems in your life. This is what we mean when we say, put your house in order.

You have been put into a unique position. You have the chance to build and spread your Light in such a way that it will effect hundreds if not thousands of others in a positive manner. Just think what your efforts can do? If you, by your Blessed Godly Light, reach one soul, helping to turn them towards the light, you have accomplished much in this life.

Start doing what you know must be done. Concentrate your complete attention on the salvation of the race. Look for ways you personally can bring forth constructive change. Remember, to always seek the truth from within yourself. What others say and believe is their truth not yours. We are not trying to say that you should not read or share with others, all we are saying is, use discernment and inner guidance before accepting anything as fact.

Spirit (God), knows what is best for you. Heed this inner guidance and act accordingly. The answers to any situation you find yourself in, "CAN" only be handled from within yourself. Since friends, loved one's, no one else is living your life, they do not really have a clue as to what you need. Why then seek outside assistance for answers when we can answer all your needs. Come to us, "KNOWING" we will always help you.

During this very special time in the history of your planet, there is an abundance of assistance available at a moments notice. You will never be alone left to your own resources to handle anything of importance. Always allows our wisdom and judgement to guide and direct you.

For quite a long time we have heard you vow to control your personal "EGO." You have tried, we give you credit for that. But the truth is, you have been so preoccupied with forcing others ( mainly your wife) to change into something she is not, that you have failed to accomplish this within yourself. You have made your wife's life miserable by constantly criticizing her for not being what you thought she should be. Remember, she is a free soul responsible for her own choices. She must be allowed to pick and choose what she will be in this life.

A note From the author: When the above truth was given me, it was like a sledge hammer dropping on my head. I immediately saw the error of my ways. I vowed to make the necessary changes. Ever since my illumination, my wife and I have gotten along much better than we ever did Before. There is now some real love and appreciation being shown between us. Thank God, for this miracle.

We all need to start acting like the divine entities we really are. Treating all our brothers and sisters in the same way we want to be treated. Let us start by allowing our wives, husbands, and everyone else, to make their individual choices as to how they will live their lives.

The above mentioned information was given me to help in my own personal growth. I am eternally grateful for taping this source of all knowledge and wisdom. Please Note: I have shared some things in this message I'm not proud of. But I do feel it is time to accept personal responsibility for my actions. The above mentioned experience has made a better person out of me. I thank God for this illuminating experience.

Love and Light

