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Visonary -- The System

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Has anyone noticed there's something wrong with the system we're living under?

The hard working man pays the bills and taxes and the freeloaders get a check every month for doing nothing, because they are needy.

We're all needy, but some people have pride and prefer to work for their sustenance.

It seems the more you work and the harder you try, the further behind you get. If you keep up a nice home, your taxes rise. If you let it fall apart, your taxes are lowered. We are being punished for doing well and caring about our environment. Have you noticed? Poor people don't provide jobs, but the wealthy people who have earned their wealth through thinking and hard work do privide jobs. Yet they are punished with government directives until they see they are working for nothing but the needy and their hands are tied by corrupt politicians and their secret, numerous bogus laws. As a result of this control and pressure, the system of honoring poverty and destitution is falling apart.

It's hard for people to realize that they are caught in a flux between the givers and the takers.

The takers will tell you to sacrifice and be generous with your hard earned money while they expound on altruism and tax you to death and place obstructions in your business until you can't function properly. And they themselves are living high on the hog. It's not hard to figure out that if you can get a dollar from a million people, you are a millionair. But if you can get $2000. a year, clear profit with no work, just taxation, well that's a lot better. That's the way the looters think. You work, we live high on the hog. You starve, we eat well.

They wheedle themselves into positions of power and take over a nation. The next thing you know they are making directives to control small business' first, then they move on to larger business' that support the infrastructure, like steel, and eventually cause the collapse. Then they tell you, "It's not our fault, it's the fault of the wealthy." They are greedy. For what? What they've earned?

On the other hand you have the givers. The source of all labor and honorable service to themselves and their families and society. These people believe in a value for a value. They are traders.. They are generous to a fault, and why not, since they are the source of their wealth, and depend on themselves. They are aware that their pay is the reward for good work.

While the takers (looters) do not work. They manufacture cliches and programs and convince the people they're entitled to all the successful business man owns, and urges them to spend more and fight for higher wages, which raises their tax base while the cost of production rises and is passed on to the people. More taxes.

The biggest fraud perped by our politicians is the bogus fed debt note. Until then, we had a solid monetary base. Since then, their note has rapidly lost value, since there's nothing behind it to prop it up. All the wealth of this nation, and we were an honorable, wealthy nation, was stolen from us. Then our national assets were stolen. Now our land is being sold to brace the bogus note they're calling the dollar. After all the assets goes the land. After the land goes your labor. Then we will all be slaves and expect this government of looters and hoodlum to feed us. Will they? Hahahahaha The jokes on the sheeple. We were too easy to herd. We believe everything they told us and showed us on TV.

They, the fed muscle men are getting ready to spring a big event on the people. Something really scary. Fear is how they rule. They could care less if you respect them, they want you to fear them. And for those who refuse, they will round them up with MM's (muscle men) and send them to the custody of FEMA. The rest will starve, while they at the top of the shit pile they have created will live in excellent homes and dine on the best food. What type of people are these? Guttersnipes. Weasels and Snakes. Their only concern is their own selves and their accumulated wealth by theft or no labor at all. They consider this smart, regardless of what it's doing to the country.

What can we do to stop this machine before it topples. Cause a vibration.. Stop buying, let it implode, then pick up the pieces and start over? Maybe with no government to support? Maybe with just honorable judges and a vicious militia to stave off invasion.

There was a time in this nation when people felt free and fearless. Not so anymore. We need to do away with all these bogus, meaningless laws designed to reap big fines for the justice industry and others, and stick to the basic ones. At least people can remember them.

At one time Catholics and Jews were not allowed in England or the USA, or Oz. Lawyers were evicted from many colonial towns in the U.S. also. Now look what we have since we've open the doors and let them encroach on us. What do we have to look ahead to other than ruination at their hands.

They've done the same thing all over the world. Now they are trying to get them under one banner. The U.N.. This decision, like that of the NAU was not made with our consent. That should put everyone on notice that this government that gets its sustenance from the people, could care less about them.

It's time we reciprocated. Close the system down. Get back to basics.