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Rod Remelin

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ltimately fail or falter.

America is the original I AM country of this planet, where the first root race took form in what is now Chicago, eons and eons ago, and has always been watched over by unimaginable great beings of light , who created this planet for men to wonder, and experience the results of free will choice, until the light might once again start too grow after long periods of seemingly complete darkness.

Imagine millions and millions of years where not one human ever thought about or acknowledged their I AM Presence, nor that of the mighty beings who created them, and this planet. Even with mans overly exaggerated sense of his own self importance, accompanied by his complete lack of acknowledging where his true source of animation comes from, that Presence has continued to pour forth blessings and provide the necessary parts within the elemental world so that we all might be sustained in this lowest of all states of existence.

There has already been 2 Golden Ages on this planet, where all knew about their Presence, and were able to precipitate easily their needs in whatever form they chose in keeping with the great law. Consequently, because that did occur here, the influence of it, no matter how latent, is still all around us , if we are willing to seek it out, by first going within.

Rod Remelin