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"Things I Remembered This Lifetime That Will Help Me In The Next One"

By Sharon Pacion

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is hard work.

...Self-healing is the foundation of wholeness, of putting Humpty

Dumpty back together again. We are the goose that lays the

golden egg.

...The soul's purpose is to experience.

...The heart is the house of magic.

...Every breath is sacred.

...Silence is the key to the universe within where all answers


...Life is one big pop quiz.

...There is a bigger picture than the one we are often aware of.

...Seeker beware!

...Birth and death are part of the same circle.

...Not everything can be proven.

...Science is bound by what it knows at the moment.

...The first four letters of the word 'evolve' is love spelled backwards.

...There is only one question: 'what is the lesson?'

...Choices are important.

...Love understands fear.

...Being virtuous is possible.

...Intent is everything.

...Laughter and tears both nourish the soul.

...The tears of joy and sorrow taste the same.

...Unconditional love is the pathway to joy.

...It is possible to recognize the value of a teaching without

judging the teacher.

...Our destiny is to become our potential.

...Water is the fountain of youth.

...We are in a constant state of transformation and rebirth.

...The Philosopher's Stone is the pineal gland.

...Reality is a matter of perception.

...Everything is sound/vibration.

...Geometry is Creation.

...The razor's edge is sharp.

...Lighting a fire on a windy day is difficult.

...Beauty and grace are identical twins.

...Never give away the last gallon of gas when going on a long trip.

...Nothing is permanent.

...Illumination and being struck by lightening are not the same thing.

...Knowledge is power.

...Swimming up-stream is tiring. Rest along the way.

...Life is not a competition - it is a journey of one.

...Nature is wonder-full.

...Walking a tightrope during an earthquake is not a good idea.

...Beautiful roses grow in manure, but they don't have to.

...Freedom is surrender.

...This moment is the most important.

...The price of wisdom is worth it.

...Man is not separate from God - S/He is Creator and Creation.

...Now is eternal.

...The soul is immortal.

...Everything is connected.

...Life is a gift - be present - enjoy the party.

by Sharon Pacione

December 1999
