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Relay Relay Relay - Sept. 8, 2005

Spirit Eagle

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ese Dear Souls to be further tramautized and killed. Your White Knight Forces are on the ground and we are at the ready to assist them if needed.

The vision you saw in your shower (we have good communication in the shower, do we not?) was a true picture of what is going on in your Washington DC. The final preparations are being completed. There will be NO glitches this time.

We have had a change in strategy for the announcement you await. We will have MANY more Forces on the ground in your country than was previously planned. We are by no means spread thinly because of this. We are prepared for any dark-inspired saboteurs and military hold outs and for those military who know nothing of the coming events. Those people with duties around the country during this great event will be in place in the twinkling of an eye. (I have learned your language well.)

The people have suffered greatly and because of their sacrifice the Sleeping Tiger that is the Blessed People of your country have Awakened, never to sleep again! This Roaring Tiger will not be silenced! Not Ever Again!

Your Warrior has taken that which was meant for you. He IS YOUR GUARDIAN although small in stature he is Mighty in Spirit. You have been noticed and your Light brings hope to many. Those who would keep you all in fear and trauma would silence you if they can. This WILL NOT happen!!! You are one of the Bringers of the Dawn! You are our own sister in Light.

Remember that there is Purpose to everything! I am pleased that you called upon me tonight. Good Night Dear Sister, my own Little One!

Telepathically Communicated by Spirit Eagle Sept 8, 2005 1:38 AM
