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[Activate Your DNA 12] Global Meditations Network

Jahn Starr, Visionary and Vibratonal Healer

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ight. We not only can shift our own lives, but we can shift the live's of other's and also mother Earth from a place of fear into a place of Light and Love.

In this time in history, we are being called to focus on peace, clear our thoughts and judgments, and send love and light into the world and into the universe. For us to do our jobs as LIGHTworkers, it is important that we begin with the clearing of our own thoughts and our own vibrational field.

Barbara Wolf of Global Meditations Network at has reminded us that on January 30 th, 10 p.m. EST and January 31st, 3 a.m. GMT, fresh, raw photon energy will enter the earth. This raw energy has the highest potential because it has not been imbued with any thought forms. She is asking us to take this newborn energy and use it to create Peace and Balance for our planet and all inhabitants.

Before tapping into this energy I am asking that we FIRST clear our own vibrational fields and our own thought forms that are occupying those fields. The media has bombarded us with negative talk about war and the state of the world. We read it, listen to it, entertain ourselves with it at movies and on television, and reiterate it with our friends and familyŠand the STORY goes on and on and on. Because the stories are fear based we begin to live our lives out of that fear. Thus, creating scenarios and drama in our llves that play into and out of that fear. We create a vibrational field that can lead to illness, depression, hopelessness, loss of joy, etc.

It is very important that we all create a new story. To do this we must clear our own field of the thought forms that are lingering about and from which we live our lives. Thought forms are vibrations. Some are of higher quality than others are. We have a choice as to what kind of vibration we want to live by and we want to have in our personal field - our aura our thoughts. Be reminded that whatever lives in our vibrational field draws to itself more of the same vibration. Because it is our birthright to live in peace, we can create it. It must come from within us to be born. We must take back our power and create a space for Peace to be born.

To clear your field simply say, "I clear any thought forms that are not of love and light from my vibrational field NOW". You can modify this by adding," In the name of Christ or Buddha or Allah", etc., if you choose.

You will feel a shift in your energy pattern. Keep repeating the statement until you feel your vibration rise to a high point or until you intuitively know that your field has shifted. Know it. It will be done. Afterwards, fill your field with loving thoughts of peace, beauty, balance, joy, light, color, etc. Ask those vibrations to make their home in your field NOW. Do this whenever you feel you are thinking or creating out of fear. Look at it as a vibrational shower - washing away that which is no longer needed.

After we have cleared our own fields of negative thought forms, we are more capable of holding the new raw photon energy that is coming to us. We will be able to saturate that energy with the thought forms of Peace, Balance, Joy, Love and Light for the entire world. We will vibrate that energy into our lives, into the world, into the universe. WE WILL CREATE A NEW STORY.

Please send this information on to your friends and family.

Blessings of Love and Light, always.

Jahn Starr, Visionary and Vibrational Healer
