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Katrina - The Bigger Picture

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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erate some of the information I shared after the tsunami in Indonesia last year.

In the midst of seeming chaos and confusion, there is a Divine Plan unfolding that will ultimately lift this sweet Earth and all life evolving upon her into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of harmony and balance. The following information is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of this information is to give people greater clarity and understanding regarding the events taking place on Earth. Please take this information into the deepest recesses of your heart, and ask the Presence of God abiding there to reveal to you the Truth of this message.

2005 is destined to be a year of unprecedented change and purification. In preparation, Humanity is being raised up in energy, vibration and consciousness moment by moment. This is occurring as the momentum of the Cosmic Inbreath known as the Shift of the Ages progresses. The initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages took place during the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November, 2003. This rare Cosmic Moment involved the dovetailing of Cosmic cycles within cycles within cycles involving billions of years, as well as an astronomical alignment that was coined Harmonic Concordance.

In 2005, we are each being given a powerful opportunity to participate in our own Transfiguration. During these wondrous but challenging times, it is important for all of us to stay focused on the reality of the situation at hand and not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the purging and cleansing that is taking place in the outer world.

From outer appearances, Hurricane Katrina looks like a catastrophic disaster of Biblical proportions. When observing the pain and suffering involved, it is difficult to see any redeeming Grace in the horror of such devastation. In all probability, thousands of people have died in this hurricane, and millions of others have been left without homes or any viable means of sustaining themselves. The grief and suffering those left behind are experiencing is heart wrenching, but more is going on than meets the eye. In spite of outer appearances, the Grace of God is the guiding force behind this event. To fully understand that Divine Truth, we all need to lift up in consciousness and perceive the bigger picture.

The Earth is going through a unique experiment that has never been attempted in any system of worlds. Never in the whole of Creation has a planet that has fallen into the depths of negativity the Earth is experiencing been given the opportunity to move up the Spiral of Evolution in such a short period of time. To increase our potential for success, the entire Company of Heaven is assisting Humanity the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.

We are now in the process of moving through two dimensional shifts. We are Ascending from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th Dimension into the 5th Dimension. This is a process that normally takes millions of years. The Divine Intent of this experiment is to allow the Earth and all her Life to catch up with the rest of our Solar System, so we can reclaim our position on the Spiral of Evolution. This is the position the Earth would normally be in if Humanity had not experienced our tragic fall from Grace.

In order for us to succeed in this experiment, Humanity must reverse the negative effects of the fall. It is imperative that we remember the Oneness of ALL Life, and that we relinquish our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies to the supreme authority and control of our I AM Presence.

We are One. There is no separation. All life is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. It is impossible for us to just say cancel, cancel and eliminate the negative effects of the human miscreations our egos spawned in the past. Those miscreations are now manifesting in the outer world as poverty, disease, war, fear, hatred, violence, corruption, the abuse of power, dysfunctional relationships, ignorance, inclement weather conditions and everything else we are experiencing that reflects our separation from God and each other.

If we do not transmute and heal the negative conditions Humanity has consciously or unconsciously created in the world, we will not be able to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension. If that is the case, the Earth will not be able to proceed into the next phase of our evolutionary process with the rest of our Solar System. It is just that simple.

That dire scenario is totally unacceptable to the I AM Presence of every soul on Earth and to the entire Company of Heaven. That is precisely why the Legions of Light throughout the whole of Creation, the Lightworkers all over the world and the Elemental Kingdom serving the Earth at this time are working tenaciously in one-pointed consciousness to avert that possible outcome. Through our unified efforts, our Victory is assured.

One of the problems Humanity is experiencing is that, after the fall, our human egos inadvertently developed the habit of using pain as our motivator. As long as we are not miserable or suffering, we are willing to maintain the status quo, even if it means stagnating or blocking our progress. Well, since the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages, everything has changed. Time is of the essence, and our God Selves are no longer allowing us the luxury of stagnating. Consequently, we are experiencing some very painful situations to keep us motivated. It is important for us to realize that if we remain motivated, we will not need the painful experiences.

I have written a two-part article titled Victory Is Ours! that I will mail out tomorrow. In that article I share information about the miracles that took place August 13-18, 2005, during the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination. These incredible events involved every man, woman and child on Earth. The miracles were cocreated by the unified efforts of hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers from all over the world who joined together in one-pointed consciousness and the Company of Heaven.

During that holy week, the oppressive bonds of our human egos were burst asunder, and every person's I AM Presence breathed the lower human ego into Its Heart Flame. Our egos will now be held in the Heart Flames of our I AM Presence and bathed in Transfiguring Divine Love until they voluntarily surrender into the Light and are transformed.

Now, the purging of the outer-world effects of our human ego's miscreations is being greatly accelerated. It is important for us to know that the purging is not going to destroy us. However, this cleansing is being designed to purge the maximum negativity Humanity can endure at any one time, with the least possible loss of Life. This purification will not be easy, but it will be done in perfect Divine Order. The Healing Water Element is the primary tool the Elemental Kingdom will use for this purification.

It is not by chance that so much focus is being placed on the Water Element. During the last several years, the Earth has moved into the full embrace of the forcefield of Aquarius, the Sign of the Water Bearer. Aquarius is associated with the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity, the Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation. The Violet Flame represents the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God. It pulsates with the sapphire blue Flame of our Father God's Divine Will, Power and Authority and the crystalline pink Flame of our Mother God's Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for All Life.

This means that during the dawning Age of Aquarius, the Healing Water Element is being empowered by the harmony and balance of our Father-Mother God through the Violet Flame. To grasp the full significance of this wondrous Truth, we must remember that eighty percent of the Earth and eighty percent of Humanity's bodies are comprised of water.

Twelve years ago, the Company of Heaven created a Sacred Blend of Healing Water by activating the waters from healing springs and sacred sites all over the world. This Sacred Blend of Healing Water began the process of purifying and healing the bodies of Humanity and the various bodies of water around the world. The Divine Intent was to prepare them both, so they would be ready for the purging that would be necessary during this Cosmic Moment. Over the years, this Sacred Blend of Healing Water has been freely distributed to hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the world.

Eleven years ago, just one year after Lightworkers began using the Sacred Blend of Healing Water and placing it in bodies of water all over the planet, the Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, began researching the intelligence and consciousness of water. Dr. Emoto was inspired to do this research, so that he could prove scientifically to the masses of Humanity that we have the ability to program positive intentions and healing frequencies into the Water Element.

His work has confirmed that ordinary people can easily program the Water Element through our thoughts, words, feelings and prayers. Now that Humanity knows that water is both conscious and intelligent, we can program into the water whatever we want it to do. With this understanding, our opportunities to ease the painful effects of the purification and purging process taking place on the planet are limitless.

The Water Element is purging many parts of the world at this time. Not only areas of the United States of America but also vast areas of India and Chile. Mother Earth is a living, breathing organism, and she is very much a part of the cleansing process that is taking place. The Elemental Kingdom, the intelligent Beings who direct the earth, air, water, fire and ether elements, are also very much a part of the purging process.

During the First Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992, a new covenant was established between the God Selves of all Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. In the Realms of Cause, our God Selves agreed to work in harmony with the Elemental Kingdom to heal the Earth, and the Elementals agreed to orchestrate the necessary purging of Earth with as little loss of Human life as possible. Even though there have been massive earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, floods, droughts and tornados since that time, in most instances, they have involved relatively little loss of life in comparison to the size and power of the events. This has been a merciful act of Divine Grace.

As we watch the videos and the news reports of the massive devastation and the unfathomable power of Hurricane Katrina, it looks like total chaos, but it is not. The unfolding Divine Plan and the events involving the Elemental Kingdom are scientific and orchestrated to the letter. In what appears to be the most tumultuous, catastrophic event in recorded history in the USA, not a molecule of water or a grain of sand was moved unintentionally by the Elemental Kingdom. The souls who chose to remain in the path of Katrina, and those who decided to remove themselves from harms way, are fulfilling their part of the Divine Plan as well, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

Contemplate through the heart and mind of your I AM Presence, for a moment, the thought that the Divine Intent of the purging taking place at this time is to motivate Humanity into healing the obsolete miscreations of our human egos. In the Gulf Coast region of America, the Healing Water Element is providing Humanity with the opportunity to open our hearts, and to transmute through the power of Divine Love the old behavior patterns of separation and fear that have been empowered by our misguided human egos for a very long time.

It is time for the United States of America to fulfill her Divine Destiny. It is time for the original vision our Founding Fathers held for this great land to become a manifest reality. It is time for the inalienable rights and the sacred Truths declared in our original documents: The Constitution of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights to be implemented in the lives of ALL Americans.

AMERICA is an anagram for the I AM RACE. This country, the New World, was destined to model to the world the true meaning of Freedom and the Oneness of the Family of Humanity. The I AM RACE was to be a body of souls comprised of all races, all religions, all nationalities, all creeds and all persuasions living together in freedom, harmony, equality and prosperity. The original intent of our sacred documents was to provide a path we could follow that would ensure liberty, justice, prosperity and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for every American. The original plan was that we would respect and honor our differences, while reveling in the intricacies of our various cultures, clothes, food, customs, music, styles, talents, skills and other diversities. Needless to say, we have lost our way. But it is not to late to change our course of direction, and the entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness to assist us.

What if the purging of Hurricane Katrina is occurring in America to give all of us the opportunity to open our hearts and minds? What if this catastrophic event is the pain we needed to motivate us all to reach out to each other, to help us realize our Oneness and that we are all in this together? What if Katrina is designed to inspire us to heal the heartbreaking schisms, the separation and the polarization existing within the Family of Humanity abiding in this country?

The destiny of America is to model for the world the I AM RACE, the Family of Humanity, living, loving, working, succeeding and prospering together with equality, respect, integrity, honesty, freedom and reverence for ALL Life. If we cannot demonstrate this in our own country, how can we possibly teach democracy to anyone else?

The oppressive bonds of our human egos have been burst asunder, and that fear-based aspect of our fallen personality has been taken into the heart of our I AM Presence to be Loved free. Now it is going be infinitely easier for all of us to return to the path of Divine Love that reflects who we truly are, here and now.

What if, in perfect Divine Order, Hurricane Katrina has brought Humanity the amazing opportunity to practice our newfound freedom from our egos? Let's step back and look at this monumental event through the eyes of our I AM Presence. From this higher level of consciousness, we see the bigger picture, and we realize that there are symbols and metaphors contained within this experience.

Natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have a way of leveling the playing field in the Family of Humanity. Natural disasters do not care about our politics, religions, social or economic status, our life-styles, our races, nationalities, the shape of our physical bodies, how young or old we are or how physically attractive or unattractive we may be. Natural disasters clearly demonstrate that we are all One, and what affects one facet of Life affects all Life.

The people who are being the most adversely affected at this moment as a result of Hurricane Katrina are the people in America who have often been the most oppressed, the most poverty stricken and the most disenfranchised. This is an overwhelming opportunity for every American to reach out and to help lift these people up. The Universal Law is..."As I AM lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me." If we come together as the Family of Humanity and work to lift up the most downtrodden people in America, all Life in America will be lifted up. That statement is not just wishful thinking or a lofty platitude. It is a profound Truth that will change the course of direction for this blessed country.

When we set aside our anger and our fears and come together with open hearts and minds, our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will guide us unerringly. Together we will cocreate viable solutions to the maladies existing on this planet, and we will create win-win situations in all facets of our lives. This will bring the words of our sacred documents to fruition, and the Divine Destiny of the I AM RACE and these United States of America will be fulfilled.

The heartfelt response from all over the world to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina is creating a tremendous, unified Heart Chalice that now cradles the entire Earth and all her Life. The outpouring of love, compassion, caring, help, financial assistance and the sincere desire to make a positive difference is expanding exponentially day by day. Through this purging event, America has a tremendous opportunity to express our love and reverence for all Life. We will be blessed with this opportunity for years to come.

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

C2005 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
