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Prepare for Contact - Two Meetings With ET's

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and Sirians. Recently I have had two ET experiences which I would like to share because I believe they are significant for the contact discussions on this forum.

Monday, October 4, 2004 I am sitting at the point in Kealakekua Bay at the Captain Cook monument, a strong grid power spot, and I can feel the sacred Hawaiian energies of the bay around me as they begin to magnify. My angels are very present with me, their moving bodies materializing momentarily as they position themselves encircling me and then I am aware of an object above me not quite fully discernable to the naked eye. Closing my eyes I turn my attention inward and perceive a spiral of light rising upward around me. With my angels beside me I am guided to ascend in the light with them and I immediately see a small, saucer shaped ship of glowing white light. The angels then stop, hovering stationary as I continue onward alone and rise through a portal at the bottom of this vessel into a room filled with no other than Reptilian crewmembers.

For a moment I am startled and cannot image why my angels have guided me to this ship and these beings which I have not associated with before. But I do not feel scared or threatened in any way, instead I feel fully empowered and a very grounded sense of my own strength. Immediately I hear from several of the Reptilian beings the telepathic questions, "Why are you here?" and "What do you want?". To myself I think that these are very fair questions and reach into my own consciousness for an answer. A calm settles in on my own internal airwaves and then I find myself knowing exactly what to say.

"I am here to deliver a message to your people. Know that the time of reckoning is almost at hand and you are now being offered a choice and opportunity. There will be a heavy price to be paid for your crimes against humanity and if you continue on your current path your sentencing will be severe. However, if you cease your attacks and instead step up to assist humanity in this final stage of awakening, you will be judged much more leniently for your past actions. A divine mandate decrees that humanity will be liberated and you can not stop what is already in motion. Join us now as supporters or prepare yourselves for the consequences of ignoring this mandate. It is your choice but I would advise that you consider well what I have said."

With these words I can feel a sense of respect coming from the Reptilian crew. I know that they are warriors and that they honor strength and clarity. Before I leave the ship I am told that they will duly consider my message and with this I leave, descending back down through the spiral of light back to my waiting body perched upon the monument platform. My angels tell me that this is only the beginning and much more is to come. I trust that they know what they are talking about, and a part of me smiles inside because I am still a bit incredulous of the fact that they unceremoniously led me right aboard a Reptilian ship. Yet I feel pleased that I have completed the job that I was brought there to do - to deliver a very important message.

Friday, October 8, 2004 It is early morning and I begin my morning meditation with deep breathing exercises. Peace and a sense of empowerment fill me and I continue to build and enjoy these energies for about 45 minutes. Then I feel compelled to shift awareness, and I receive the clear communication from the angels that I have important work to do. Without hesitation I follow a whale guide who presents himself and I direct my consciousness into the ocean toward the soon visible underwater ET ship which he is leading me toward. Aboard is an emissary for the Greys awaiting interaction. Outside the ship the powerful sperm whale being positions himself, acting as a sentinel for this meeting and holding the space without personally interfering in the interaction that will ensue between us.

I materialize inside this ocean vessel and come face to face with the Grey. The ship is completely devoid of seating because it is functionally used as an information storehouse. With a thought a table and two chairs opposite each other materialize and I invite the Grey to sit and begin our meeting. We seat ourselves and I ask the Grey directly what he wants. Before he answers I feel a wave of deep sadness come from him because he believes that he has no choice but to continue in the role that he and his people have been playing out for a very long time with humanity and other races. A very destructive role for all.

He states that his people have a need and that his people are acting on behalf of fulfilling this need. Because I understand that the need he is referring to relates to the gathering of genetic material (via abductions), I answer him without him having to elaborate further. I tell the Grey that `need' does not justify force, nor a lack of responsibility for the results of the actions chosen by the Grey race in relation to humanity. I state that his people can no longer victimize those humans who are not as consciously evolved as his race, or humanity in general which is not as strong technologically, just because they have the power to do so.

Abductions in their lack of conscious consent, their invasive cruelty of treatment, their blatant disregard for well being and the lack of willingness on the Grey's part to negotiate a win-win situation for all is no longer acceptable. A wave of the power of the divine energies of truth which I have been breathing into myself surface as I continue to state that a divine mandate has decreed that these injustices will no longer be tolerated. The time for the reckoning of such choices and actions is coming quickly and now an opportunity is present for the Grey people to align with a new path of conduct.

He and his people are not locked into a continuing pattern of behavior, an unchangeable role, as I felt from him initially, and I tell him this firmly. There is always a choice and now is the time to change directions. The Grey, who tells me that his name is Maloc, explains that he and his people are just doing what is necessary. I propound that his people have chosen to conduct their affairs by force, not necessity - and that a decisive solution with the human race has the potential to be negotiated. Further I add that this `force' is about to be brought to an end.

As we sit in the center of the room, across from each other in this small, round ship I suddenly feel the presence of the angels and I look around. My half of the vessel is filled, shoulder to shoulder, with angelic beings with swords in hand. The message is startling and displays the power of the divine energies ready to be expressed as needed. Looking sternly at Maloc, I tell him that these powers and more are in service to humanity and that human consciousness is about to take a dynamic step in evolution and galactic awareness. These angelic beings are defending and protecting this growth and once it completes, the Grey people and their activities will all come to the attention of the people of Earth and a reckoning for all actions will take place.

Yet an occasion is also at hand for the Greys to re-evaluate their current position. They have the present opportunity to change their tactics and align and assist humanity in its final stage of the awakening process, thus incurring a much more merciful judgement for their past actions. Then the light of the angels and the divine intensifies and I tell Maloc that he is witnessing firsthand truth and the energies of divine will - and that if he and his people now chose to continue along their same path without dramatic change, the payment for such actions will be quite severe. I ask the Grey if he and his people wish to face the divine mandate with a total disregard for consequence, and I state how foolish such a choice would be.

This Grey ambassador has listened attentively as I fulfill my role here to communicate a clear and powerful message about the coming changes upon our planet - and to warn him to alter Grey behavior or be subject to a sizable penalty. Positively, I am also inviting this race to partake in a solution, to begin a new exchange based upon equality with humanity and to have all needs met while not victimizing and forcing themselves upon another sentient people.

In the end Maloc says that he will deliver this message back to his people and consider what I have said. We agree to meet back aboard this ship again very soon. I watch as he then walks to the far end of the ship and enters a hatch leading to a smaller vessel docked outside. The pod ship quickly launches and I witness it rise up through the ocean. I then look to our whale host, a big eye peering in a round window of the ship, and I thank him for facilitating this communication and for guiding both of us to this place for our meeting. Another wave of intense energy rises within me and look to the angels and ask if I have completed the job I needed to do today and I am told that I have.
