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Maybe There Is Something To The 'Unified Field Theory' After All

By Mitch Battros (ECTV)

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g the shores of Iraq right about now.

But something happened. Something major; something many people are struggling to understand. The Bush administration either mis-judged the consciousness of the America people in a way I have not seen since the Nixon administration, or it was something else.

What could this 'something else' be? I find it more than a coincidence on the same day the United Nations made its presentation to the world, regarding the UN security inspectors, a vast 'experiment' was taking place.

Several spiritual organizations held a day, the same day, of meditation, concentration, and contemplation of peace. By the end of this vast energy shift, the Bush administration and several other power players were scratching their heads. A common statement that was made in certain circles went something like this... "What the hell just happened?"

To explain "what happened" is to explain briefly what is meant by "Unified Field Theory". This title is really nothing new. It simply is a new name given a scientific title which means 'collective consciousness'.

Some would say it is the power of prayer. Others say it is the gathering of minds indicating 'singleness of purpose'. It is described as the uniting of separate thoughts coming together as one. How ever you wish to say it, something happened Friday February 14th that is not quite explainable.

Some insiders have stated (off the record) Washington D. C. has been set back on their heels. One insider gave an example of what may be going on in George W. Bush's head. He likened it to the position John F. Kennedy was in regarding Vietnam. President Kennedy knew whatever decision he made regarding bringing war to Vietnam, would be on his head (hands). He chose to 'not engage' at that time. Then came Lyndon Bains Johnson. What happened next was the Gulf of Tonkin on Aug. 5, 1964. The Lie:

Those of us old enough remember with a great deal of pain, the emotional civil war that went on for years after this decision was made by President Johnson. Johnson himself was so distraught by his wrong and mis-directed ambition, committed political suicide while making a "live" television broadcast to the nation.

Some have said President Lyndon B. Johnson was on suicide watch during his last few months of his presidency. This brought on by the thousands of Americans who died for what many of us believed was nothing more than political greed. Sure, we were told the "communist were coming...the communist were coming", but like the current situation, there was no proof of any such overt push. The end result, 50,000 soldiers dead.

Vietnam went on to unite north and south and we are currently in open trade and commerce.

So the question remains..."What happened on Friday February 14th 2003"?

I would say it may be of no coincidence the drums of war were silenced by a world united at its will. Only time will tell if the Bush administration is able (or willing) to hear a sound so loud it silenced the loudest drum beat.

Perhaps humans of the world are far more powerful than we give ourselves credit. Our ancestors have been trying to tell us differently, perhaps now we will listen.
