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The Energy Component

By Ananda Joy

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confusion everywhere, police barriers prevented anyone from moving through the area. He could see the ambulances taking people away but could not find out what it was about. He finally made his way into a store and when he came out, the storm was over as quickly as it had come. He later learned from TV what was really happening. When I asked him if it left him afraid he said, “It didn’t become a part of me because I was focused on getting to my destination.”

I think there is a greater meaning in this story. The outdoor market in Santa Monica is a center of activity for the people who are most against all that is dark. They are physically focused on healthy living, growing organic food and buying it directly from the growers. They are probably the same people who are in the forefront of protests against everything that pollutes the environment, cuts off our freedom and corrupts our government. Santa Monica is the most politically active place in all of Los Angeles. And, these people who are probably the most physically focused against darkness and terror received this tornado of terror, driven by an old confused man. It aimed itself into the middle of the outdoor market going 60 miles an hour, accompanied by a sudden rain storm. It ended just as quickly with the storm over and no one to blame. The old man, who had a kindly past of giving service to the community didn't seem to realize what he was doing.

There is a teaching in many of the spiritual channelings that are on the Internet which emphasizes being for everything and against nothing. It is a theme which has been taught in many ancient religions. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek and to forgive. The Hindu sages told us that we create what we focus on. Many of these religions told us that we are all One. Now, through the Internet, we are getting a more scientific explanation about how this works. Newer teachings tell us that we must not be against anything, for when we are against anything we set up a dynamic energy with it which brings it to us so that we may bring it into balance. We are all connected and everything must be brought into balance and harmony so all of us can ascend into a better state of being together as One people, One planet and One Being. We are being taught not to hate the darkness but to love everything. Even darkness is a part of the Oneness that is God and can be transformed through our love. If we hate the darkness, we bring it to us to transform it through our life the hard way. Eventually everything will be brought into harmony and ascend into love. The channelings from the Internet are telling us that this ascension process is speeded up at this time. That which has been in an energy state for a long time is manifested more quickly.

Perhaps there is an energetic lesson in this Santa Monica outdoor event. The people gathered there may have been a focus for the clearing of negative energy, energy generated by so much focus against darkness. They were also a group of people who were most likely to forgive, especially if the terrorist was an old, confused and kindly man. My friend who was there at the same time was not drawn into it. As he said, “I was focused on getting to something else.” I wonder how much of this event was energetic and how much healing came of it?

Ananda Moy
