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Some Reflections For The New Year

By Peter Farley

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icans somehow think they are insulated and safe from being inside a country at war like Iraq or being 'safe' from earthquakes like that in Iran. Those of you who have not encountered the true judicial system in place in our country think we live under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Ask anyone who has encountered the system if they agree with you. Only if their name is Ken Lay, etc., will they agree. Those who try to protest using the legal system today will be called 'paper terrorists' under the new patriot acts I and II. What many of you don't understand is that legal and lawful do not mean the same thing.

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Americans think they are insulated from the continental 'scourge' of AIDS such as in Africa. We are told by our media these are promiscuous people and that's why AIDS is spreading. I can't buy that. I grew up around villages of people in New Mexico.......Indian villages. The whole village was not promiscuous. If you've done your research you know that the drug companies from our country have supplied vaccines laced with the AIDS virus, such as hepatitis B. Why? Because we want their natural resources 'for free.' Dealing with tribal governments is just too much trouble; it's far easier to get rid of the tribe.

Americans think there is only Mad Cow disease in England and somewhere away from our shores. Wrong again. Chronic wasting disease in elk and deer, whirling disease in trout, and Mad Cow disease all have one thing in common.......prions. And one more thing.........these diseases were developed and tested in our own universities in this country, CSU research farm being one of them. Many people thought to be suffering and dying from Alzheimers are instead dying of Crutzfeld-Jacobs' disease, a disease that exhibits the same symptoms as Mad Cow disease. We are not being told the truth. Until recently we did not know we were possibly buying beef in the store that was from a 'downed cow' too sick or injured to walk. Why? Bottom line profits. Ask any hunter or any rancher if they'd choose a sickly elk or steer for their family's food source. No way.

Americans think they are the healthiest people on the planet. We vaccinate our children, and then watch the soaring rates of autism in this country? Why? Thimerosol, an agent used as a 'preservative' in the vaccines causes the same symptoms seen with mercury poisoning. How many families now have children suffering with autism, and no recourse to the vaccine companies? How many people vaccinate their children because they are told they can't go to school without the vaccines. These people don't know they can ask for the school personnel demanding the vaccines to personally guarantee the health of their children if they comply with the vaccine policy. No school board/administration in this country will do so. But they want the kids vaccinated. Why? They receive $50 to $100 for every vaccinated child via the drug companies, via the federal government. How many people know that some vaccine reactions exhibit the same symptoms as shaken baby syndrome? And, how many Americans know that school systems can receive up to $1000 per student put on behavior modifying drugs? Kids treated with ritalin, etc., are going to look for the same feeling as adults from cocaine. Nothing like starting your customers early.

Americans think that SARS happens only in countries across the ocean. They don't look up at the skies and count the chem trails and wonder what's in those spreading trails day after day after day. They don't connect the dots and see that flu outbreaks have anything to do with chemtrails. They don't ask why their formerly blue skies are not hazy day after day after day. They don't ask why they cough and their eyes water.

Americans think they live in the wealthiest country in the world. They don't ask why tax assessments go up year after year. They don't know their cities/counties/states/federal government keep two sets of books and there are trillions of dollars hidden from public scrutiny.....only there for those closest to the 'trough' to play with. They just know their taxes keep going up. What can one American do about this? Get off the fence. Ask questions. Educate yourself. Find people who want to be educated and spend your energy on them. Find people with common views and figure out how you'll cope in the times to come. Almost all the 100 prophecies of the Hopis have come to pass..........and they say, "those we have been waiting for are here.........we are they."

Americans think they live in a mostly disaster free zone. But how many have read the real truth of Hurricane Andrew? That there was only 45 minute warning and the death toll went well over 5,000. That's not what our media told us. They didn't tell us that no help arrived for those victims who were injured. They don't know that we have the technology on this planet to cause earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes. They haven't read about HAARP.

Am I a pessimist? It sounds like it to many. But how pessimistic can one be when you look into the eyes of a child and laugh with them over something that delights them. Our planet is for them. What are we going to do to insure that they have a planet to live on and raise their children on? When are we going to learn that every child is precious, whether American, Indonesian, Iraqi, Russian, or Turkish? When are we going to appreciate the value of every tree in our forests? When will we learn to value every fish in the river? When will we demand this value from those in positions of power? Next week, next month, next year?

Have a reflective New Year! Find a child to laugh with. Then take one step forward.
