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CASPER UPDATE: February 2-3, 2009

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Most of the following was written last Friday and Saturday. Posting was delayed for unavoidable reasons.

Putin's address to the elite gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switz. this week should be required reading by everyone seeking a solution to the worldwide financial crisis. No doubt his speech will soon appear on Fourwinds. He says the worlds existing financial system has failed, the "perfect storm" is upon us and that the world has failed to comprehend the true scale of the crisis. He says hopeless loans and bad assets must be written off, that the use of public debt (as is happening in the U.S. now) is not the answer and will compound the problem, and that we must have regional reserve currencies as the U.S./Fed Res is untrustworthy ( implied- yet unavoidable conclusion). If you can handle the truth without U.S. spin machine dilution here it is.

As pointed out in our two most recent updates we have not been able to confirm the arrest referred to by STORY in his two most recent updates. WE have tried. We have had "professional help" and still we can't confirm. Many many many sources have this news, not just STORY. Some of those named are still at their desk. We can confirm some indictments which is not the same thing.

Also, STORY and many many many other sources have for weeks been singing the song that OBAMA is on our side, is forcing the settlements and funding to occur and is basically "our hero". Going back three and four of our previous updates (I am to lazy to look up the dates) we disagreed saying, in effect, "he is not our friend". During recent weeks we have "held our fire" on this subject as so many were so public with their professed knowledge of his desire to "get it done" so we stayed busy questioning our own intell saying otherwise, and since we wanted them to be right and "us" to be wrong we have remained relatively quiet about this subject even though our intell was telling us 3 weeks ago he was demanding trillions of dollars to allow the funding to occur which, it apears to us, is nothing more than a continuation of the BUSH methods of blackmail. More recently we hear he is demanding even more money (additional trillions) than we were hearing about weeks ago. For those of you wishing to  retain your view of him as the Messiah it is possible that, in his mind, his demands that he be given OPM, Opium (other peoples money) is for good and worthy causes according to his far left mindset, otherwise it is simply blackmail and no different than the demands of BUSH and the NEOCONS. This assumes of course that our intell has been correct all along which included statements along the way such as "he is a bigger crook than BUSH ever dreamed of being". WE are in no position to "judge" this situation, but in view of lack of deliveries we would be remiss to continue our silence on the subject.  We report, you decide seems appropriate.

The amounts involved in the settlements worldwide are so great as to make STORY'S ongoing discussion of 7.8T and 14T less than "a cup of coffee". If thats the ball he has his eyes on no wonder our intell seldom agrees with his. Because of this reality the ability to pay off OBAMA for whatever his intended purposes may be, money is not the issue (opinion), although, a Trillion here a Trillion there and first thing you know we are talking about serious money. Perhaps it is all simply a matter of "the settlement process" similar to the deeding back of Fed Res ownership interest ??? from CHINA, RUSSIA and the QUEEN representing debts from wars gone by as insured by Lloyds of London is also part of the "process". There are many strange and unexplainable increments and pieces of the "settlement process" and most of it is way way beyond our ability to see much less comprehend, but as you can observe from the writings of many messengers who are unrelated to each other, the movement is toward completion and is not reversible.

The leaders of the CORPORATE UNITED STATES, acting in our name and using instuments of debt collateralized by our taxes, labor, public and private assets, and LITERALLY the futures of our children and grand children have destroyed the country we knew as children and placed all of us at the mercy of those we have disadvantaged. Roles are reversed, we are the debtor, they the creditors. Thank goodness the sacrifices of "the greatest generation" are likely to weigh heavily upon the conscious's of those who now hold our currency, our economy and therefore our fate in their hands.

Regarding the "open letter to Casper" from Mr Bellringer, i only wish i had his clarity of thought. I don't. Perhaps if "Hatonn" had accepted my very public invitation to discourse and to answer my questions in addition tothose of "Jess" a year or so ago i too would be enlightened. Perhaps Patrick, since he is in touch with Hatonn, would be so kind as to ask him why OBAMA'S demands for Opium (other peoples money) continues to increase if he is to let loose the deliveries? This nasty news may or may not be accurate but it is what we have been hearing during the 10 or so days we have been silent on the subject hoping everyone elses intell was more accurate than our own.

For decades successive Presidents, Congress's,  Supreme Courts and all aspects of the CORPORATION'S (Federal, State, Municipal, etc.) which replaced the REPUBLIC have lied to and cheated the American people in every conceivable way and in many ways inconceivable and even unbelievable. From unconstitutional income taxes to internment camps, from illegal wars to grand larceny by public officials, from the violation of oaths to the theft of sovereignty, from black budgets to torture, from chemtrails and UFO coverups to the incest of politicians, banks and Wall Street, from personal corruption to corporate corruption as taught to them by government corruption, our country no longer resembles the country of our youth. And it is WE THE PEOPLE who allowed it to happen. WE must accept responsibility before WE can affect true change. If our country, by the grace of God and the mercy of creditors, is given another chance via the changes which are upon us, then let us accept the responsibility of returning government to the role of servant of the people and decide for ourselves whether we want chemtrails and black budgets. Our country is run by the Executive supported by the controlled Judicial. The legislative, via bribery and blackmail has been marginalized. Speaking frankly, it appears impossible for the people to overcome the corruption at the national level considering their control of the national media. It could be done locally, over time, where the people live, resulting in control of the purse strings but it would require the wholesale replacement of the House and the Senate.  Better yet, the demise of the existing House and Senate because they were elected as representatives of the CORPORATION/SWAMP CREATURE which is unconstitutional just as their titles of nobility ( no lawyers in Government) is unconstitutional.  And herein lies the reason for their unwillingness to go quietly into history, the same reason a newly elected President is unwilling to relinquish power be he CLINTON, BUSH, or OBAMA, the same reason evil continues to expand and multiply within the halls of government as the sins of the past are brought forward, added to and covered up- because -disclosure of these truths, the whole truth and nothing but the truth would result in the come uppance of all of them. Thats why the resistance has been so great, the fight so difficult. As for the few who were/are willing to give the country back to the people they would be and some have been ostracized, isolated and even murdered. This is why, if a return to the Constitutional Republic is at hand as we suspect, the pressure/power/force/faction necessary will have come from outside the manipulated political spectrum. The point to grasp is that Washington D.C. is a Federal Fort, Federal Corporation which has for decades acted in its own interest and against the interest of the American people by creating a government within a government which has hocked, pawned or sold everything in America not nailed down including the future labor of our childrens children and all "public" parks, National Forrest, Wetlands, etc. etc. etc.. It may be complex, it may be hard to understand but it is nevertheless the truth and this truth has been laid before you by writers such as "S" who have given much of their adult lives to investigate, research, write and spell it out for you as simply as possible. The articles which have appeared on Fourwinds over time, taken together, provide the serious student or the militia or the constitutional lawyers or future generations with irrefutable proof of what was done to the country of our youth while we slept.

This paragraph is for posterity never to be mentioned again. From a Christian source given to previously accurate prophecy and paraphrasing, " it will not be until the first year of OBAMA'S second term when the people will learn what they have voted for. It is akin to the anti-christ"....... Remember friends, the people of Germany "elected" Hitler. The people of GAZA "elected" HAMAS. They were not voting for terrorism, only to get food for their children. I wish our intell regards OBAMA agreed with everyone elses. I sincerely mean that. It would be in everyones best interest that he be "The Last Boy Scout", BUT, as a former "Scout of the Year" myself I can assure you we Scouts, or at least those i know, would not surround ourselves with appointments from the leadership ranks of the Illuminati, i.e. the CFR, Trilateralist, Bilderbergers and Skull and Bones (White House Council) asOBAMA has done, not to mention his ties, financial and otherwise, to Goldman Sachs and Wall Street Banks.

It was on the 26th i think, an article discussing the difference between democracy and republican government appeared on Fourwinds. PLEASE READ THIS. It explains what has happened to the U.S. and what we are now exporting to the world.

As the numbers mentioned by STORY amount to less than a cup of coffee, so too are the numbers mentioned in Whistleblowers response to Hennigan posted on Fourwinds Saturday also far short of the big picture.

STORYS latest, dated Thursday night i think, begins to acknowledge what we have described above about OBAMA and although he may not realize it, begins to confirm what we said about him being fed intell by the ABC boys. OUR houses were bugged with very sophisticated devices (not mine but OURS) and we have previously told you about our calls being diverted to Langley and being cut-off from Asia, incoming and outgoing. WE write for you, he writes for the world. How much greater must their focus be on him?

The hidden truths of all that is actually happening as the moments tick down are more difficult than ever to pin down. The secrecy is very intense and many many diversionary stories are floated each day to keep you/us busy. In spite of everything mentioned above we fully expect (short of another 9-11 or all out war) that everything is coming down more or less as described here over the years and last minute "settlement" problems are being taken care of.

Consider making a list of those people, causes, needs, etc. you intend to help while you have the mental freedom to do so. Things will get very busy very quick when the doorbell rings.

                casper   2-2-09

p.s. perhaps the reason why the Fed and Treasury refuses to disclose the use of funds from all the bailouts has to do with the primary requirement of Basel II regulations, that being increased Bank Capital requirements. Word was those banks not in compliance could not do business internationally so how, in the face of on-going never ending write downs, do the banks comply with Basel directed increased capital reserve requirements? Simple, they have their pawns, the politicians, take the money from the people and hand it over to the banks. Having done this and continuing to do this will not solve the problem that banks worldwide are now in the same fix and needing on-going never ending bailouts which leads us to observe that Basel II and III may be DOA (dead on arrival).

p.p.s. As stated above this was written over the weekend. It is now Monday night and we are hearing about meetings last week in which the OBAMA administration was trying to convince the PEOPLES REPUBLIC (Communist) to buy 30 year Treasury Bonds to finance the trillion dollar stimulus bill and other debt. CHINA said no we hear. There is more than 3T of U.S. debt floating in Asia, more than 2T of that in CHINA. Why would OBAMA be trying to force this method of financing when he has our tax receipts available to him? The apparent answer, which may or may not be true, is because, like his predecessors he does not want our tax receipts as that means funding has occured, the Constitution is recaptured and all of them must head for the hills. When foreigners say no the only other option is for the FED RES to buy the Treasury Debt Instruments which is called "monetizing the debt". It is hyperinflationary in the extreme a la the ZIMBABWE CENTRAL BANK or WEIMAR GERMANY. After all, the promisses of the throwing of the beads and trinkets to the GIMME crowd must occur. Never mind that the recipients don't realize the government never has any way to pay for it other than a) taking it away from their neighbor or child at the point of a gun (taxes) or b) borrowing it and adding it to their childrens tab, they just want the promisses fulfilled. A bargain is a bargain, we vote for you, you give us stuff and to hell with the neighbor and the children. This is known as "the tyranny of the majority" which is also called DEMOCRACY, a form of Government despised by the founding fathers. This news stinks you must agree. He should not be attempting such things at this late hour if he is on our side. It is hard to fathom any positive reason (for us) that he would be doing this. It is easy to imagine negative possibilities. Has he been blackmailed into a straight jacket as HENNEGAN says on Fourwinds by the BUSH/CLINTON crime syndicate he has surrounded himself with?

Deliveries were to be last week after the GEITHNER confirmation. Deliveries were then to be today and tomorrow. Today is gone. If tomorrow we get excuses instead of deliveries it will be time to pay closer attention to our own OBAMA sources who say he has not signed off.
