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Health Intentional Death Abortion
Indiana Becomes First State to Pass Ban on Most Abortions After Fall of Roe
John O'Looney On Baby Deaths (Murders) And Funerals
Coalition of 17 AGs warns Google against censoring pregnancy crisis centers
First it was abortion tents in national parks, now it’s “floating baby-killing clinics:” The Left is OBSESSED with abortion
URGENT: Abortion vote today . . .
Abortion isn’t “reproductive health,” it’s the MURDER of an individual human being
What happened this week . . .
Abortion, 'Roe' and the left's futile war with God
Abortion, 'Roe' and the left's futile war with God
Behind the Façade: Abortion Culture Is a Transhumanist Death Cult
The pro-life movement's greatest challenge ever
SOTN: LOOK OUT, Folks! 2022 October Surprises have commenced in May…..
The abortion battle intensifies . . .
These 26 states likely would restrict abortion if Roe overturned
Republican governors, lawmakers pushing for more pro-life laws in anticipation of SCOTUS ruling
In fight for ABORTION, the radical Left suddenly rediscovers the gender of WOMEN… but wants to exploit women to justify VIOLENCE against infants
Planned Parenthood now sending ABORTION PILLS to Ukraine to exterminate more Ukrainian citizens
This Changed My LIfe.....
"I can't stop thinking about what I saw" . . .
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