WHO takeover of the US . . .
Mat Staver
The White House held its “Second Global COVID-19 Summit” virtually on Thursday. Its purpose was to “redouble our efforts” and add “intensity to global response” for the purpose of “Vaccinating the World.” One of its key guests was the World Health Organization (WHO).
This is deeply concerning when the WHO recently launched an effort for a shocking, global grab for power through proposed amendments to its International Health Regulations. The White House is using this proposal to abandon your American rights to grant global control to the WHO! I’ll share shocking details below.
WHO has been under a cloud of suspicion and corruption for years regarding the handling of its affairs and this pandemic.
In 2020, President Trump announced he was withdrawing the U.S. from WHO and stripping it of U.S. funding. America was paying an annual 893 million dollars to WHO (15% of its entire budget).
Trump’s reason for this move was that WHO was in the pocket of China because of its refusal to investigate the origin of COVID and its parroting of the Chinese Communist Party lie about COVID originating from a “wet market.”
But Joe Biden’s response is to bow to this group and hand them your rights and freedoms. WHO wants international control over declaring what a pandemic is, the “approved” safety protocol, available treatments, recommended “vaccines” and the freedom that will be given to any nation or individual who disagrees.
This is unthinkable! Biden wants to give complete control over America to the WHO.
People promoting these changes to the WHO International Health Regulations would like to strip sovereign nations of their ability to close their own borders and give that power to WHO. They ask, “Who triggers travel and trade restrictions, and for what purpose?”
Can you imagine one worldwide governing board with the power to control all trade and travel? Especially when it is already exposed for being loyal to China first, all while American taxpayers foot the bill!
This is a one-world government’s dream … and a freedom-loving American’s nightmare. This would breed an unthinkable level of corruption, power, control—and we need to stop it now.
You have the choice to fight this now or bow to global control later. Send your faxes now to legislators urging them to do everything in their power to stop this massive globalist takeover of America.
WHO and the globalists are excitedly pushing this brand-new change to the International Health Regulations. Remember, these are the same people who shut down our world for months, locked church doors, threatened to shut off utilities, arrested and jailed pastors, banned home Bible studies and blocked effective, lifesaving treatments.
While China is locking people in their high-rise apartments with metal locks and fences as they starve and scream for help, WHO is bemoaning that it does not have enough control over people like you and me as well as international governments.
Proponents of this move explain just what they want to accomplish in “A New Treaty on Pandemics.” Their plan to gain control includes:
An early detection requirement, which has been used before to lock people up who have not tested positive.
Stronger reporting mechanisms, which have resulted in governments requiring people to snitch on their neighbors.
Digital technology for data collection and sharing, i.e., a Vaccine Passport.
Reform of “international control” of “travel and travel restrictions.”
Universal medicine and vaccine access (unless the WHO doesn’t want you to have certain medicines, like ivermectin or HCQ).
A global “right to health” (and health care).
A strengthened WHO at the center of increased global coordination.
Government control over supply chains and technology transfer.
Promotion of “equity,” a code word for radical who-knows-what.
Global “health security.”
And, of course, “increased financing” for this new plan out of your pockets.
It's time to push back against WHO before it’s too late. If America holds the line and reins in our own federal government’s involvement, this effort will collapse. Send your urgent faxes to legislators to oppose this massive extension of the WHO.
Each day brings a new set of expenses to keep our ministry moving forward to advocate for good policies. Partners like you across America undergird the mission of LC Action to make this vital work possible. Donate through our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift.
We are honored to work alongside you and give you the tools and knowledge to effectively fight back.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
“Episode 417 - The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know.” The Corbett Report - Open Source Intelligence News, April 27, 2022. Corbettreport.com/globaltreaty/.
“Media Advisory: Second COVID-19 Summit.” The White House, May 10, 2022. www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/10/media-advisory-second-covid-19-summit/.
Voss, Maike, Clare Wenham, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Rithika Sangameshwaran, and Bianka Detering. “A New Treaty on Pandemics - Key to (Re)Build Trust in International Cooperation?” Klug, King’s College: London & London School of Economics and Political Science, March 2022. Klimawandel-gesundheit.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Policy-Brief_Pandemic-Treaty_short.pdf.
“World Health Assembly Agrees to Launch Process to Develop Historic Global Accord on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” World Health Organization, December 1, 2021. Who.int/news/item/01-12-2021-world-health-assembly-agrees-to-launch-process-to-develop-historic-global-accord-on-pandemic-prevention-preparedness-and-response.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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