NY Gov - "I need you to be my apostles"
Mat Staver
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul just signed an executive order declaring that a “disaster is imminent” due to the “current staffing shortages in hospitals and other healthcare facilities” of her own making. Gov. Hochul admitted her forced injection mandates will “impact the availability of care, threatening public health and safety.”
To replace these health care workers, Hochul says she will call on the National Guard to fill in the gaps of these health care heroes!
As of Wednesday, more than 75,000 health care workers in New York refused these forced shots.
Tens of thousands of people have reached out to us begging:
- “Please help us fight for our religious freedoms.”
- “Help me keep my job without getting the vaccine.”
- “Is there anything you could do to help me and my wife?”
- “Help me protect my body and keep my longstanding career.”
- “I cannot afford to lose my job. Please help me get this together.”
We are fighting for these health care heroes. We have recruited over 70 lawyers and many others to help us fight. We need your help. Your support will be DOUBLED by our Challenge Grant. — Mat
Gov. Hochul said NO RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS. But a federal court issued a restraining order against her because NY cannot ignore federal law under Title VII or the First Amendment.
This is a battle between life and death. Here’s why these health care workers are refusing these COVID shots.
- A New York man died 25 minutes after the shot. First responders helped this 70-year-old man “within seconds” of his collapse. He was transported to a hospital where he died.
- A 51-year-old New York woman complained of “loss of movement in both arms and legs … 1 hour after administration of the second dose of Moderna.” After falling asleep, she “never woke back up.”
- The morning after a 51-year-old man got the jab “he was found in his room lying face down on the floor and unresponsive.” This New Yorker was pronounced dead less than 24 hours after his shot.
- And there are 15,386 other reported deaths and 726,963 adverse reactions from the shots. These numbers represent a fraction of the actual injuries and deaths.
For months, these health care workers have been on the front lines responding to the adverse reactions from the shots.
Now they are being forced to get the shots or be terminated. Many are refusing! One of the largest health care providers in New York is expecting to "fire thousands of people for refusing” the shots.
One NY hospital has already paused its maternity ward operations because so many nurses resigned rather than get the shots.
We must help these desperate people. We will not abandon them. Help us serve these precious people with your gift today.
+ + + The COVID Shot Mandate Cult
Gov. Hochul visited a nondenominational megachurch to speak about her shot mandate. She told the crowd at Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center, “I need you to be my apostles.”
Hochul said the COVID shots are a “gift from God,” and those who refuse “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.”
She urged people to evangelize others to get the shots. She said God “made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers—he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us, and we must say, ‘Thank you, God.’”
The COVID shot mandates are insane. I warned that these mandates will create a national emergency. At a time when there is already a shortage of nurses, these shot mandates will further reduce the number of qualified caregivers. Many people who need care for COVID or any other condition will be turned away. The agenda to control is driving these dangerous mandates.
To provide our services at no cost, LCA relies on your support. Help us fight for these health care heroes through our Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE the impact of your gift. Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.
You can also send faxes demanding NO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS! Select here or the button below.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action