From John Kaminski
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Kilsnow <
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 01:48:43 -0600
Subject: FOOD RIOTS 2011
Mesdames et Messieurs,
The Kung Fu Instructor attended a meeting in Tokyo Prefecture earlier
today with the Jow Ga Kung Fu High Council, and has received orders to
issue an urgent warning to my respected subscribers. You must expect
critical shortages in food, coupled with skyrocketing prices, starting
this year. Needless to say, such developments will be accompanied by
public disturbances and the onset of mass starvation, affecting the
entire world.
As many of you may recall, food riots commenced in 2007 as a result of
sharp increases in the prices for basic foodstuffs in several nations,
as may be seen in the following report:
2007–2008 World Food Price Crisis
"The years 2007–2008 saw dramatic increases in world food prices,
creating a global crisis and causing political and economical
instability and social unrest in both poor and developed nations.
Systemic causes for the worldwide increases in food prices continue to
be the subject of debate.
"Initial causes of the late 2006 price spikes included droughts in
grain-producing nations and rising oil prices. Oil price increases
also caused general escalations in the costs of fertilizers, food
transportation, and industrial agriculture. Root causes may be the
increasing use of biofuels in developed countries and an increasing
demand for a more varied diet across the expanding middle-class
populations of Asia.
"These factors, coupled with falling world-food stockpiles all
contributed to the worldwide rise in food prices. Causes not commonly
attributed by mainstream views include structural changes in trade and
agricultural production, agricultural price supports and subsidies in
developed nations, diversions of food commodities to high input foods
and fuel, commodity market speculation, and climate change.
Over 40 food riots occurred from 2007 to 2008, but as we entered the
years of 2009 to 2010, the crisis seemed to be ameliorated to a
significant degree. My sources now indicate, however, that our
respite was only temporary. The situation for 2011 to 2012 is
expected by many experts to deteriorate rapidly, as heralded by the
food riots in North Africa during the past week.
The Kung Fu Instructor is familiar with the subject of death by
starvation. My great-grandfather, a farmer and a member of the
constituent assembly of the local government in Wilenskaya Province of
the Russian Empire, died of starvation in 1919 when this region was
occupied by the Red Army during the Polish-Soviet War. The Red Army
was poorly supplied by the Jew Communist government in Moscow as a
matter of policy, and confiscated the provisions of the local civilian
populations in their areas of operations, leaving thousands to die of
And then we have my ancestors from Ireland. As recounted in an
earlier dispatch, ANYONE who is of Irish descent has scores of
relatives from their family tree who died of starvation during the
Potato Famine of the mid-19th Century. If you are Irish, do you know
their names?
The commonly accepted view of the Irish genocide places the blame on
the the failure of the potato crop, which could not be any further
from the truth. In fact, Ireland was a cornucopia of foodstuffs, a
breadbasket for Western Europe, and the great estates of the landed
gentry exported immense quantities of grains, livestock, fruits and
vegetables to Britain and other countries. So why weren't these foods
diverted to the Irish when their staple crop, the potato, failed?
The Jewish bankers in London recognized that the English gentry in
Ireland were heavily in debt, and the only way for them to service
their debt was by exporting the produce of their estates. While it is
true that most of the gentry wished to see the Irish inhabitants
removed from their estates, and paid money to many of them to emigrate
from the country, they in fact were prevented by their bankers from
allocating a single morsel of food to their starving Irish tenants
that was otherwise designated for export. Of course, the British
government acted in league with the Jews, and used the failure of the
potato crop to force the starvation and emigration of millions of
people from Ireland, in an effort to further subjugate that country.
And now it is your turn. The Jews have big plans for us, don't you think?
I believe I may have mentioned my research of the historical archives
in Minsk not too long ago. Genocide of the civilian populations of
Lithuania, western Belarus, western Ukraine and eastern Poland
occurred in 1940 at the hands of the Jews, a story that I shall relate
to my subscribers in the near future. What one learns from eyewitness
accounts of that period is that the Jews will turn on you, and they
will gather around and mock you as you are arrested, beaten, tortured,
starved, and shot.
Oh? You say you have Jewish friends, dear friends of yours, that
would never do such a thing to you? You say that there are good Jews
and bad Jews, and that we only need to concern ourselves with the
Let me tell you something, Jew-lover. The Poles and Lithuanians
thought the same thing in 1939. Account after account details the
shock they experienced when their local Jews showed what traitors they
were as they welcomed the Red Army when it invaded Poland and
Lithuania that year. Their utter disbelief as they observed local
Jews accompanying the Soviet NKVD to finger members of the government,
military, clergy, gentry, intelligentsia, and civil service, for
arrest and liquidation.
The Jews had it good in Poland and Lithuania during the interwar
period, and like Dr. Jekyll they turned into Mr. Hyde. And what of
the so-called "good-Jews"? They kept silent and didn't lift a finger
to help the Poles and Lithuanians as they tried to escape. Not a
single example of them helping the Poles and Lithuanians during this
time has been recorded to my knowledge. Not one.
That is what you can expect from your Jews. They'll turn you in to
the Red Chinese or whomever, and will laugh hysterically at you as you
are dragged away. And if you try knocking on the door of your Jewish
neighbor to see if you can hide in their basement, they'll either blow
a hole in your chest with a 12-ga. shotgun as you plead for mercy, or
will turn you over to the secret police with a cellphone call.
Since 1940 the Poles have been identified as the most anti-Semetic
people in the world, with the Lithuanians a close second. That
description has only been used since the genocide of 1940. Now you
know why.
Cogitate on the information I have revealed to you. Dwell upon it.
And as you do this, you may wish to watch the following music video as
you struggle with your conflicting thoughts...
Icehouse - Big House (2004)
And now for the latest report on the situation at hand...
Food Riots 2011 - Doom And Gloom
January 14th, 2011
Have you noticed that most Americans seem to know far more about
American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Justin Bieber and their
favorite sports teams than they do about world affairs? Most
Americans cannot even find Tunisia and Algeria on a map, and if you
told them that food riots are happening in those nations right now
most of them would not even care anyway. We have become a very
self-centered, self-involved and self-absorbed nation. Quite a few
people have accused this column of being obsessed with "doom and
gloom", but the truth is that the world really is falling apart out
there. What are we supposed to do? Are we all supposed to stick our
heads in the sand and pretend that everything is going to be okay?
Should we all not try to warn others so that they can prepare for what
is coming? Until people understand that we are facing absolutely
massive problems they are not going to be motivated to take
significant action, and hopefully those of us that are proclaiming
"doom and gloom" are doing a good enough job of describing what is
really going on out there that some people are starting to wake up and
actually make changes.
Most Americans may not care, but the food riots that are starting to
erupt around the globe are actually very serious.
Do you remember what happened back in the summer of 2008?
That summer, the price of oil spiked to an all-time high of $147 a
barrel and that caused a substantial increase in the price of food all
over the globe. Suddenly millions of poor people couldn't afford to
feed themselves anymore and food riots erupted all over the world.
Well, here we are in 2011 and the price of oil hasn't even reached
$100 a barrel, and yet the food riots are already beginning.
Violent food riots are being reported in Tunisia, in Algeria, in Chile
and in Mozambique.
In Tunisia, the riots have been so intense that the President of
Tunisia, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, has been forced to step down and
flee for his life.
Yes, that is how serious things are getting already.
Unfortunately, it looks like the global food situation is only going
to get even worse.
Australia is a major food producer and right now they are experiencing
flooding of Biblical proportions. In fact, it has been reported that
at one point the flooding covered an area greater than France and
Germany combined.
In Brazil, another major food producer, horrific flooding has killed
more than 500 people so far. This flooding is being called the
"worst-ever natural disaster" in the history of Brazil.
Meanwhile, record cold temperatures and record snowfalls are playing
havoc with winter crops all over the Northern Hemisphere.
But even before all of these weather disasters struck the price of
food had been going up significantly. The UN recently announced that
the global price of food hit an all-time high during the month of
December, and world leaders all over the globe are openly expressing
concern about what 2011 is going to bring.
Sadly, the truth is that there has been a trend of rising food prices
for quite some time. According to Forbes, corn is up 94% since June,
soybeans are up 51% since June, and wheat is up 80% since last June.
As one of my readers recently pointed out to me, it usually takes
about six months for the prices of agricultural futures to filter down
into the supermarkets. So the very high prices for agricultural
commodities that we are seeing right now should really start to be
felt around the globe by the middle of 2011.
In addition to everything else, reports continue to come in of
thousands of birds and millions of fish suddenly dying all over the
globe, and nobody seems to really know what is causing it.
Do you want some more doom and gloom?
*There are reports of "panic buying" of silver and other precious
metals right now.
*Investors are bailing out of municipal bonds at an absolutely staggering rate.
*S&P and Moody's have both warned once again that the United States is
in danger of having its credit rating slashed if it does not get
government debt under control.
*U.S. housing prices have now fallen further during this economic
downturn than they did during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Meanwhile, America's economic infrastructure continues to be taken
apart piece by piece.
The United States is losing more jobs to China. In fact, the United
States is losing more high technology "green jobs" to China.
Evergreen Solar, a company that manufactures solar panels, is closing
their factory in Devon, Massachusetts and they are moving their
production facilities to China. This is going to result in the loss
of 800 good American jobs.
The following is what the company had to say in a statement about the move....
"Solar manufacturers in China have received considerable government
and financial support and, together with their low manufacturing
costs, have become price leaders within the industry."
Is it any wonder that a recent survey found that 47 percent of
Americans now believe that China is the world's leading economic power
while only 31 percent still believe that the United States is the
world's leading economic power?
As America continues to lose good jobs, millions of Americans find
themselves simply unable to pay the bills. In fact, at this point one
out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one
government-run anti-poverty program.
As things have fallen apart in the United States, many private
citizens have tried to step forward and do what they can to help
people, but now in many areas of the country the government is
actually stepping in and shutting down these private avenues of
For example, in the city of Houston, Texas a couple named Bobby and
Amanda Herring has been feeding homeless people for over a year. They
never left behind any trash and no trouble was ever caused.
But now the city of Houston is shutting them down.
Because they don't have a permit.
So will they be able to get a permit? Well, it turns out that city
officials are saying that this "Feed a Friend" effort most likely will
be denied one.
Apparently the city "officials" believe that the homeless "are the
most vulnerable to foodborne illness" and that therefore the warm
meals that the Herrings were providing for them were potentially
Can you believe this?
This is what happens when political correctness and bureaucracy get
wildly out of control.
Now it is illegal to go out and feed homeless people?
What is American turning into?
As the economy continues to fall part, the iron grip of the government
is likely only going to get tighter as it desperately tries to keep
But do we really need to be giving tickets to 6-year-olds?
Yes, you read that correctly.
According to one recent report, police in Texas have given "1,000
tickets to elementary school children in 10 school districts" over the
past six years.
For more examples of how America is turning into a police state,
please see my recent article entitled "Almost Everything Is A Crime In
America Now: 14 Of The Most Ridiculous Things That Americans Are Being
Arrested For".
America is rapidly becoming a very dark place.
The truth is that there is a reason why so many websites are now
reporting so much "doom and gloom". Things really are getting bad out
Sadly, most Americans have only known tremendous prosperity all of
their lives, so they can't even conceive of what it would be like to
go through difficult times.
Most Americans have been conditioned to believe that while we may have
brief "recessions" once in a while, in the end our economy will always
get better and the good times will continue to roll.
But the good news is that an increasing number of Americans are waking
up and are trying to warn their family and friends about what is
So do you believe that the food shortages and the food riots are going
to get even worse throughout the rest of 2011? Please feel free to
leave a comment with your thoughts below....
[Note from the Kung Fu Instructor: Below is one comment out of one
hundred and twenty, as of the time of this dispatch...]
January 17th, 2011 at 6:42 pm
This article is spot on! There is no time to waste and fret over if
it’s going to happen. The time for preparedness is RIGHT NOW PEOPLE!!
We are at a crossroads of human existence. The cycle of time and the
ancient civilizations all prophesied this to come about, and it is
The planetary changes that are upon us, the the solar activity that is
coming, will put an end to society as we know it. If you don’t have
food, water, and a way to barter for goods, you will not survive the
coming events!
The time for watching TV, and being brainwashed by the evil forces at
the top of this holographic fiat monetary system are over. Their time
is ending. There is no way to stop the impending collapse of the
entire world economic system. It is over, and the governments of the
world know it, they will not tell you this, but it is over.
It is time to prepare for the dark times ahead, but to fear not what
the darkness has in store, for if you believe in the love of the human
heart, which controls the whole universe, then you will realize our
time is nearing for a new age of existence, where money, politics, and
religion will not interfere with the destiny that is ours.
We are almost there, and they know this. They are the frightened ones,
for the control they have over us is about to END! So follow your
heart and believe in yourself, and the most wondrous journey awaits
And yet another report...
Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots
Posted by EU Times on Jan 13th, 2011 // 88 Comments
A grim report prepared by France’s General Directorate for External
Security (DGSE) obtained by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service
(SVR) states that president’s Obama and Sarkozy have “agreed in
principal” to create a joint US-European military force to deal
exclusively with a Global uprising expected this spring as our World
runs out of food.
According to this report, Sarkozy, as head of the G-20 group of
developed Nations, called for and received an emergency meeting with
Obama this past Monday at the White House wherein he warned his
American counterpart that the shock rise in food prices occurring due
to an unprecedented series of disasters was threatening the stability
of the entire World and could lead to the outbreak of Total Global
Just last week French Prime Minister Francois Fillon underlined that
one of France’s top G-20 priorities was to find a collective response
to “excessive volatility” in food prices now occurring, a statement
joined by Philippe Chalmin, a top economic adviser to the French
government, who warned the World may face social unrest including food
riots in April as grain prices increase to unprecedented highs.
The fears of the French government over growing Global instability was
realized this past week after food riots erupted in Algeria and
Tunisia and left over 50 dead. So dire has the situation become in
Tunisia that their government this morning rushed in massive amounts
of troops and tanks to their capital city Tunis and instituted a
Nationwide curfew in an order to quell the growing violence.
The United Nations, also, warned this past Friday that millions of
people are now at risk after food prices hit their highest level ever
as Global wheat stocks fell to 175.2 million tons from 196.7 million
tons a year ago; Global corn stocks are said may be 127.3 million tons
at the end of this season, compared with last month’s USDA outlook for
130 million tons; and Global soybean inventories will drop to 58.78
million tons at the end of this season, from 60.4 million tons a year
Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank, further warned this past
week that rising food prices are “a threat to global growth and social
stability” as our World, for the first time in living memory, has been
warned is just “one poor harvest away from chaos”.
Important to note about how dire the Global food situation has become
is to understand the disasters that have befallen our World’s top
wheat growing Nations this past year, and who in descending order are:
China, India, United States, Russia, France, Canada, Germany, Ukraine,
Australia and Pakistan.
From China’s disaster: 2010 China drought and dust storms were a
series of severe droughts during the spring of 2010 that affected
Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Chongqing,
Hebei and Gansu in the People’s Republic of China as well as parts of
Southeast Asia including Vietnam and Thailand, and dust storms in
March and April that affected much of East Asia. The drought has been
referred to as the worst in a century in southwestern China.
From India’s disaster: A record heat wave and growing water crisis in
India are forcing politicians to consider implementing user fees and
other measures to conserve water. Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda
Rajapaksa yesterday instructed ministers and officials to prepare a
strategic plan to face an impending food crisis as there were signs
that the World is to confront a food shortage by next April.
From Russia’s disaster: (10% of total World’s output, 20% for export)
they were hit by the highest recorded temperatures Russia has seen in
130 years of recordkeeping; the most widespread drought in more than
three decades; and massive wildfires that have stretched across seven
regions, including Moscow.
From France’s disaster: The French government lowered their wheat crop
forecast by 2.7% over last year due to drought and cold weather.
From Canada’s disaster: Record setting drought has affected their main
grain producing provinces in the Western part of their Nation.
From Ukraine’s disaster: (the World’s top producer of barley and sixth
biggest of wheat) hit as hard as Russia by fire and drought to the
point they have halted all their exports of grains in 2011.
From Australia’s disaster: Fears of a Global wheat shortage have risen
after the Queensland area of Australia was hit by calamitous flooding.
Andrew Fraser, Queensland’s State Treasurer, described the floods as a
“disaster of biblical proportions”. Water is covering land the size of
France and Germany. It is expected to reach over 30 feet deep in some
areas in coming days.
From Pakistan’s disaster: Floods have submerged 17 million acres of
Pakistan’s most fertile crop land, have killed 200,000 herd of
livestock and have washed away massive amounts of grain and left
farmers unable to meet the fall deadline for planting new seeds, which
implies a massive loss of food production in 2011, and potential long
term food shortages.
Not only have the vast majority of our World’s top wheat producers
been affected, but also one of the main grain producing regions on the
Planet, South America, has been hit by disasters too where an historic
drought has crippled Argentina and Bolivia, and Brazil, that region's
largest nation, has been hit with catastrophic floods that have killed
nearly 400 people in the past few days alone.
Even the United States has been hit as a catastrophic winter has seen
49 of their 50 States covered by snow causing unprecedented damage to
their crops in Florida due to freezing weather, and record setting
rains destroying massive numbers of crops in their most important
growing region of California.
And if you think that things couldn’t get any worse you couldn’t be
more mistaken as South Korea (one of the most important meat exporters
in Asia) has just this past week had to destroy millions of farm
animals after an outbreak of the dreaded foot-and-mouth disease was
To how horrific the Global food situation will become this year was
made even more grim this past month when the United States reported
that nearly all of their honey bee and bumblebee populations have died
out, and when coupled with the “mysterious” die-off of the entire bat
population in America means that the two main pollinators of fruit and
vegetable plants will no longer be able to do their jobs leading to
crop losses this report warns will be “biblical and catastrophic”.
Chillingly to note is that after meeting with Sarkozy, Obama began
implementing his Nation’s strategy for keeping the truth of this dire
events from reaching the American people by ordering all US citizens
to have an Internet ID so that they can be tracked and jailed should
they begin telling the truth.
And so today, as agricultural traders and analysts warn that the
latest revision to US and Global stocks means there is no further room
for weather problems, a new cyclone is preparing to hit Australia,
brutal winter weather in India has killed nearly 130, and more snow is
warned to hit America, and we’re not even two full weeks into 2011…
may God have mercy on us all.
[Note from the Kung Fu Instructor: The link to the source of this
report (WhatDoesItMean.Com) was disabled as of this writing. A
secondary source has been employed.]
And so, ladies and gentlemen, you have seen the writing on the wall.
What do you propose to do about it, hmmm?
In the meantime, I am pleased to present a motivational song by
Abraxas Pool, featuring the original members of Santana, (with the
exception of Carlos Santana himself).
Abraxas Pool - Don't Give Up (1997)
Gregg Rolie, nowadays and yesterday
- The Kung Fu Instructor