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An Ill Wind

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I carry a pocket-sized edition of the Constitution with me every where I go, whether I'm back home in West Virginia or speaking out on the Senate floor. Now you can too. You can download and print the DSCC's exclusive personal Constitution by clicking here:

Senate Republicans are ready to nuke debate in the Senate and stand the Senate rules on their head by severely restricting our right to filibuster these nominees. They want to change the rules in the middle of the game so they can force on us far right-wing judges, all in an effort to gag the world's greatest deliberative body.

We cannot let them do it.

Their view of the Constitution is based on the opinions of a fancy Washington law firm. Our view of the Constitution is based on the plain words of the Framers who wrote it. Now you can use your own personal Constitution to share those powerful words with your friends and family.

It is up to us to spread the word. You must be the new Paul Revere and tell your friends and neighbors about what is happening in the Senate. Tell them that our free speech is under attack. Tell them that our system of checks and balances is under attack. Tell them that the Senate should not be simply a rubber stamp for right wing judges.

Some say we don't need 200 years of American history. According to opponents of the filibuster, 200 years of history is a bore. It's simply passé. Old hat. They say the Constitution is nothing more than stale bread. Opponents of free speech see no need to rely on Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, or Hamilton. We know better.

We won't be muzzled by those who want to silence us. Delay, deliberation, and debate may be a waste of time to some, but it's free speech and the American way to all of us who love our country and our Constitution. The best way to defend the Constitution is to elect more Democrats to the United States Senate. That is the sole mission of the DSCC. You can help in that effort by sharing your own personal Constitution with your friends and family.

We must preserve free speech and the rights of the minority. There must be no gag rule for the United States Senate.


Senator Robert Byrd

P.S. The DSCC is already gearing up to put more Democrats in the Senate in 2006. The midterm elections are closer than you think and you know that every single seat is going to matter this time around. If you care about defending the Constitution, please help the DSCC win in 2006 by making a generous contribution today.
