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Please Help Me! - I've Been Kidnapped!

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e end of my twilight years, and I would like to remember back to the days when I was not abused, and ignored, but loved at my birth and as a young child. But I need your help. I hope you remember me, because you certainly have heard my name before.

First it is important that you know that I'm being held captive as a political prisoner, and The People holding me abuse me, or simply ignore me on a constant basis. It's getting to the point of extreme physical torture, and I don't feel I can carry on much longer. Occasionally my captors drag me out for a little fresh air, but in most instances they use me as a political weapon if they need something, or just hold me up to further their own selfish and perverted agenda. Secretly I think they're planning on making a public spectacle out of me in the very near future - maybe by tearing my heart out on live TV. Or perhaps in some sick twisted gesture of benevolence to the unknowing they will continue to hold me out as just another missing person as they do now. I'm not sure what's worse, leaving a false sense of hope and security open for my fellow citizens that the only thing need be done by them is to sit idly by and wait for word that I have been found, or just ending my torture by putting me to death.

I'm extremely discouraged, as hardly anyone is talking about me anymore, or learning what has happened to me. I have heard through the grapevine that many people say that I'm dead already, or far more hurtful - insignificant and forgotten. I hear from time to time in solitary confinement people say my name, or try to describe me to others, but they seem to get it wrong nearly every time. It's no wonder no one can find me, and that people will soon forget who I am. Yet ironically tens of thousands of people every year come to 700 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC and stare at my very likeness behind glass, pondering where I went, or just who I really am. If they would just spend some time and study my likeness they would know who I am, and free me from this living hell.

Now you should know my present situation.

Right now I'm being slandered constantly in the press. Politicians, lawyers, and professors say that I'm responsible for holding back the country's progress. It's not true. My true friends write to the press and try and defend my name, but it appears the damage is already done, as they rarely if ever get a word in edgewise.

Right now people are robbing others openly, and covertly, and they are putting the blame on me as the perpetrator. They're saying that I directed the theft and that I'm responsible, and that there is nothing they can do to stop it. They're wrong! If people only knew me, they would know I'm not capable of such crimes!

Right now there are some who still know I'm alive and support me, but my captors are beginning to censor their voices with intimidation and now more recently violent action. Once they have broken-up my advocates and discouraged them from assembling together privately I feel my hopes and yours for survival will be completely gone.

At one time I had an attempt by friends to rescue me, but they were unsuccessful. Now their chances of rescuing me again are slim to none, as they are falsely limited from bearing the arms necessary to secure my release and return me to my rightful status in society.

The only thing that will save me from certain death is if those who truly know who I am and what I stand for carry on my spirit.

I'm dying, please save me before its too late.

Suffering and pleading,

Your Constitution [a.k.a. Freedom and Liberty]

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Great for Home Schoolers!


on the


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For the use of the schools

by Arthur J. Stansbury - 1828

Revised edition by William H. Huff - 1993

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