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Notary the "Highest" Office In Law!

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ir government they adopted the office of scribe, naming it the notary. The notary performed the duties of scribe, recorder, commissioner and, eventually, justice of the peace and county judge.

When democracy or commercial corporate government was created it gave the appearance of law instead of what it is, which is commerce. It needed a similar or facsimile of the office of notary.

The lawyers always being in commerce invented a fictional or corporate notary office calling it notary public, which is not a true notary - in law, but serves the corporate fiction in a similar although less capable capacity. As a notary in commerce or NOTARY PUBLIC, the word public was adopted from the Roman term, publican or tax collector.

A notary public has as most people realize, no ability to perform the duties or exercise the authority of commissioner, justice of the peace or judge. This is because a notary public is an inferior-agent of the Secretary of State, who is not a judiciary officer.

The important distinction between the two offices is that the notary acts or functions in law, and the notary public can only act in commerce, i.e. = collect taxes called fees.

As a recorded, commissioned, silver-bonded county notary, I serve, the sovereign people, who abide upon the county land. As their sovereign servant, I occupy their office to provide the sovereign with recourse to their superior law and justice.

The bailiwick or geographical jurisdiction of the county notary office is defined by treaty a law of nations. That treaty is the Articles of Confederation, November 15, 1777, ratified and in force since March 1, 1781. It is an historical document that has never been repealed and remains in full force and effect today as the day it was enacted.

The venue of the county notary is the geographical area of the Union nation states or united States of America and the territories and possessions claimed by the United States.

My commission, oath of office and silver bond is a matter of the public record of the Recorder of Deeds for the corporate County of York, Pennsylvania, Instrument 2005067119, August 31, 2005.

Although the commercial Secretary of State for the corporation Commonwealth of Pennsylvania objected by letter to the county notary office, being resurrected from it's dormancy, he later wrote that he found no basis for argument and withdrew, his objection.

If I was impersonating an official office, especially those of notary and judge, I would have been arrested and so charged!

The facts and the law is that the county notary is an office and authority superior to that of the governments of the United States and it's corporation States, and even that of the President, Congress and their commercial Supreme Court, as well, as those of their United Nations and it's commercial Hague Court.

Law - always prevails over commerce!

The people, are the Supreme Law of Their Land!

Commerce, is the law of inferior persons and their corporations.