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Haven't They Defecated on our Constitution Long Enough?

by Carol Christen

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e and pass laws without knowing the content and without regard to the People by bribing the Congress with largesse which the Congress accepted thereby deforming the possibility of a more perfect union for the People;

** establish justice

We will not tolerate the flagrant abrogation of justice rather than its establishment, denying due process, permitting and abetting torture, nullifying the Bill of Rights by fiat, violating treaties, such as the Geneva Conventions, and choosing justices with regard only to political beliefs;

*** insure domestic tranquility

We rescind the creation of a militant police presence across the country preventing the peaceful gathering and protests of the People for their free right to redress grievances without the use of clubs, tasers, arrests and strong-arm tactics not appropriate to domestic tranquility with a bias towards automobile rights or politicians’ preferences about dissent, and a heavily armed presidency;

**** provide for the common defence

We forbid the use of our taxes to bankrupt the people with a national debt now at $150,333 per person in order to promote, not the common defence, but national security, a misnomer, with the attack and occupation of numerous sovereign countries around the world, declaring “war on terror(ists)” by killing innocents to ostensibly destroy “bad”-by secret definition-“guys” and negating due process and an honest trial; building in excess of 700 foreign bases for American troops in 157 countries, few of whom have the ability to attack the People here; using up to sixty percent of the national budget to provide for war-mongering without providing for the care of injured troops and hiding those troops from the people; carpet bombing areas of the world using depleted uranium munitions to poison the planet with radioactivity for 4,500,000,000 years, including our country and its atmosphere and soils; abrogating the declaration of war to the executive branch with all the attendant and irreparable errors; and failing to note that the People and their posterity receive security from the blessings of liberty.

***** promote the general welfare

We will not permit the any of the branches of government which we established to ignore the general welfare for the wealthfare of the top one percent of the corporate population mentioned above in their pursuit of resources and cheap labor; the passage of more laws and more jails and jailing within the past 30 years than in the previous 200 years as the United States of America; refusing to respect and upgrade the health needs of the entire population; permitting profit before the general welfare, rather than after its accomplishment; permitting children to go hungry and the People to become poorer by calling them names, such as lazy, dirty, poor, when in reality this is policy at the highest levels; putting political hacks in positions that scientists held and denigrating the science for profit in government bureaus; allowing secret “black operations” which are simply murder across the planet and, when those persons return, they will be manipulated here to do the same; refusing to govern without politics after being elected to do that very important work for the People who elected them by being lobbied excessively and urged to protect, not the People, but the lobbying entities which are never elected, merely self-selected;

****** secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves

We are a free People and will not deny the blessings of liberty to more and more persons with longer jail terms, harsh jailers, torture, poor food and conditions by mistaking a conviction for a crime as an invitation to abuse those in custody by extra-legal punishment, as if being deprived of the freedom to move about were insufficient; the loss of the right to vote which has nothing to do with conviction for a crime; and, the death penalty which is simply revenge, not justice; permitting wage slavery within the country and its protectorates; permitting sexual slavery; attempting to build a wall around the country to keep people seeking freedom out or citizens in; using land use laws to create and keep some people in ghettos if their incomes, skin color, or beliefs are not the same as the others; and,

*******and (secure the blessing of liberty) to our posterity

We expressly forbid the writing of laws to allow poisons in the atmosphere, on the ground, in the food to weaken and harm our progeny for the future and kill or destroy the natural world, cutting off routes for wildlife, overusing the car so that the world’s atmosphere is shifting and filled with pollutants in order to profit any corporation, and by the waste and use of too many resources so that few of our progeny in the future will even benefit with life at all.

Be gone, sirs (mostly), go home in disgrace and we will elect those who are better than you have been stewards.

Signed by: The People of the United States of America

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