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The Murder Of The Constitution

By Dennis & Ann Bossack

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ka Shrub, signed a bill officially forming the new Department of Homeland Security.

Essentially, this bill forms an American Gestapo. President Shrub has nominated Tom Ridge to head this new department.

This is the largest reconstruction of our government since the 1947 forming of the Department of Defense.

This “reconstruction” changes our democratic and free society to a Fascist Police State. If you are an American Patriot who believes in the Constitution of the United States, you had better start looking over your shoulder. This new bill allows the government to spy on, and detain, Americans as well as “other” terrorists.

Did you know that Americans are considered terrorists? Well…if you believe in the Constitution, God, Jesus Christ, the Second Amendment or the Fourth Amendment, you are now legally classified as a Domestic Terrorist.

Expect very soon for President Shrub to announce the implementation of Martial Law. At that time the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will become just a part of history.

Under the new Department of Homeland Security, your privacy can and will be totally invaded. Your e-mail, telephone calls, internet surfing and more can now be monitored.

We know of ammunition reloaders who have recently received packages of bullets, gun powder and shell casings (which they ordered) for reloading rifle and pistol ammunition, which had been opened and checked. By whom is still a question. The point is that our mail and packages ARE being checked to add to a database of who is doing what, when and where.

We know of people with e-mail lists who have had these lists attacked, as have we. Patriot web sites have been attacked and taken down, as has ours in the past month.

Everything every Patriot or Christian Patriot does from this point forward WILL be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security. The major concern is that this new department will take action against those they already consider to be Domestic Terrorists.

Now under this new department a Domestic Terrorist will become an Enemy Combatant. This means that your right to legal counsel will be denied. Your right to a fair trial, or a trial at all, for that matter, will be denied. The government can detain you without having to notify anyone.

Twenty-two agencies will come together as one to combat terrorism at home and abroad.

The Border Patrol, for instance, has checkpoints on our major highways and freeways. These will become Citizen Checkpoints. Our airports are now controlled by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Our rights against illegal search and seizure have been murdered right along with the Constitution of the United States of America.

Welcome to the Police State.

I do hope that those Patriots who have been vocal in the past become even more vocal now. I know Ann and I will, no matter what the consequences.

May God Bless America and may she rest in peace…
