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8 Essential Elements for the Creation of a Contract (Updated Oct. 5, 2007)

John Wilson

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ty to contract; (6) legality of purpose; (7) genuine consent; and (8) certainty of terms.

Your article emphasizes an inescapability of contracts which the 'Crown' supposedly has over us.

However, simply Challenging the Validity of those contracts, by applying the Common Law criteria above, will bring their whole Evil Empire crashing down.

Naturally, only Trial by Jury can determine the Challenge.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.


Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 8:15 PM

Subject: 8 Essential Elements of a Contract


Re: The article posted today quoting John Wilson of Australia, "8 Essential Elements for the Creation of a Contract"...

John fails to grasp that a man who acknowledges/ accepts that he is one and the same as the birth certificate name in a court setting where he is the defendant is of "slave status".

And, as an accused "disobedient slave", he is then subject to the provisions of master/servant law as depicted in the US Fugitive Slave Act 1850, Section 6, which says:

"In no trial or hearing under this act shall the testimony of such alleged fugitive be admitted in evidence; and the certificates in this and the first [fourth] section mentioned, shall be conclusive of the right of the person or persons in whose favor granted, to remove such fugitive to the State or Territory from which he escaped, and shall prevent all molestation of such person or persons by any process issued by any court, judge, magistrate, or other person whomsoever." [A fugitive slave is a disobedient slave.]

Under Roman law they called "disobedient slaves" "homo sacer". In fact, the idea of "homo sacer" was contrived as an excuse to impose justitium, or a state of exception, that is to say a suspension of civil liberties and the imposition of martial law. "The so-called sacred and unalienable rights of man prove to be completely unprotected at the very moment it is no longer possible to characterize them as rights of the citizens of a state."

So, you see, John's message about being able to defeat the commercial system by demanding obedience to the 8 rules of contract falls on DEAF EARS.

Eldon Warman