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US Constitution

By "freedomchild777"

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The minutemen at Lexington and Concord practiced very successfully the successful tactic of ambush. The North Vietnamese used that tactic successfully against the American soldiers who could be easily identified by their uniforms. As Gerorge Washington said," A free people should be armed and disciplined and ought to have sufficient arms and ammunition to protect themselves from ALL WHO MIGHT ABUSE THEM, INCLUDING THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT. Wow! I was delighted to hear about the explosion that happened at the Yale Law School. After all it is the Judicial Oligarchial Tyranny established by the deceitful lawyers that abolished the right to a fair trial to an accused citizen who stands accused by the government in a trial. The only lawyer an accused citizen can employ in the United States is a member of the Judicial branch of government and "officer of the court" as provided by the legislative appointment in the various State Bar Acts which were legislated by the lawyers in the Legislative Branch of governement in the various legislatures in the state and in the Congress.

The separation of the exercise of the legislative, executive and judicial power was established by the People in the establishment of the United States Constitution in order to prevent the establishment of a tyranny for He who legislates the law has not the power to execute the law nor judge the law he legislates, he who executes the law has not the power to legislate the law nor judge the law he executes and he who judges the law has not the power to legislate law nor execute the law he has the power to judge.

The treasonous lawyers have usurped the legitimate government of the People of the United States, the United States Constitution, by establishing a judicial oligarical tyranny and thereby eliminating a peaceful resolution of matters in controvery involving the citizens and those in government by the elimination of a fair trial and instead have replaced a fair trial with mock trials and subjecting the accused citizen to extortion of his substance to try and ransom his liberty by paying the lawyers to defend him from the very laws and punishments which the lawyers created in the legislative halls of the Congress and the various State Legislatures. Why even the Nazi Patriot Act was created by the lawyers in the Congress! Stupidity is for those who choose to remain ignorant. The very judicial tyranny which operated under the rule and reign of the Tyrant King George the I existed for the solicitors i.e. lawyers were agents of the Crown.

No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will love the one and hate the other. Since a lawyer is interested in his own pocket he will most assuredly sell his client for thirty pieces of silver in order to maintain his license to "practice law" which the lawyers themselves created in order to keep everyone "lock step in line". Unless there is an abolishment of the State Bar Acts and a reestablishment of the provisions of the protections of the first ten amendments to the citizenry against the permanent establishment of enslavement by tyrannical and corrupt individuals in government, the only effective remedy that is available is the one described in the Declaration of Independence and which is enforceable by the exercise of the second amendment of the United States Constitution which states, order to insure a free state, the right of the people to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON," and by a free people heeding the instructions of General George Washingto, the Father of Our Country," a Free people should be armed and disciplined and ought to have sufficient arms and ammunition to protect themselves from ALL WHO MIGHT ABUSE THEM, INCLUDING THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT".

Wow, I heard about the ammunition explosion. I wonder if the lawyers are going to resign from the legislative positions they hold AFTER THEY ABOLISH THE CHAINS WHICH HAVE FOR TOO LONG ENSLAVED THE GENERAL CITIZENRY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, THE STATE BAR ACTS OF THE VARIOUS STATES PASSED BY THE LAWYERS IN THE LEGISLATURES OF THE VARIOUS STATES. Everyone is presumed to know the law and ignorance of the law is of no defense, therefore the lawyers know exactly what they are doing in subjecting the People of the United States to the robbery, misery suffering and in some cases death since they are without "effective and substantive assistance of counsel since the only lawyer that is permitted to "defend him is dependent on the government the lawyers created, the tyrannical Judicial Oligarical Tyranny, for his own substanence.

The United States Constitution, itself proclaims that the constitution is the Supreme law of the land, to the contrary notwithstanding." The traiterous need to be rounded up themselves and executed for the multitude of treasoneous actions they have committed against the People of the United States and lawyers need to be prohibited from holding a public governmental office, including being an officer of the judicial branch of government to discontinue the practice of "selling down the river to the various slave camps of the penintentaries" the american people who stand accused in their bidding pens of the defendants docket in the United States. True faith doesn't contradict right reason and since the lawyers created this tyranny that defrauds the people of the United States a peaceful resolution of matters in controvery in a forum that substantially is a fair forum and trial there is no other recourse available to resist this tyranny other than the same manner in which the original tyranny was abolished and that is by following the instructions and warning of General George Washington and the instructions and warning of the People of the United States in the second amendment.

The choice for the American people is to fight to remain free or to slowly one at a time be enslaved to rot and be buried alive in the various coffins of the cells of the various prison gulag penenintentaries of the United States. After all the lawyers have demonized the People of the United States who, "sell, possess, distribute, manufacture or use controlled substances(drugs)" as terrorists and have demonized their friends and families as "terrorists" for those who give the "terrorists" "aid and comfort to the terrorists" are themselves branded as "terrorists" by the Judicial tyranny oligarchy of lawyers in the legislative halls of Congress in order to continue their Reign of Terrorizing the People of the United States. Nero branded the christians in order to justify the misery and death that the people were subjected to in ancient Rome, Hitler, demomized the Jews in order to justify the misery and death of the people of Germany and Europe, and the lawyers have demonized drug users and their families as terrorists in order to justify the misery and the forthcoming death of the people of the United States, for the lawyers have provided the death penalty for those that are condemned as being "terrorists".

Why good grief, the F.B.I. published a document in 1999, entitled Project Meggiddo wherein, those who support the second amendment to the United States are domestic terrorists, those who are identified as constitutionalists as domestic terrorists, those who identify themselves as christians who believe in the "end times as "domestice terrorists", the writing has already been written in the laws of the lawyers in that every person in the United States is now living in the Reign of Terror established by the traiterous lawyers in the halls of Congress and the legislative halls of the several states. I don't think it is reasonable to believe that they thugs can be voted out of office after the example of the lawyers on the Supreme Court appointed Mein Fuhere Nazi dictator, George Bush, Jr., the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Nazi American military that just got through invading Iraq and Afghanistan in the conquest for world domination just as the infamous German Nazi Dictator, Adolph Hitler, invaded Poland and whom, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of Mein Fuherer, George Bush, Jr., was the banker who financed Adolph Hitler's infamous rise to power. There I think I covered all bases. Stay tuned however, the revolution to destroy this venal and oppressive Judical Tyrannical Oligarchy may be published but not televised for the tactics of the minutemen at Lexington and Concord are not able to be "caught in action." As the motto in Virginia goes,"This always to Tyrants".

--- In, Jon Roland

Wow! There is a God and He does perform miracles. There is an old proverb that What goes around comes around seven times seven. I love the tactic used. It is so reminenscent of the American colonists who spoke with similar actions, only using muskets to resist and overcome the personnel who were willing to install tyranny via guns at the battle of Lexington and Concord. Wow! Holy Fear works both ways doesn't it. How many poor victims and their families lived in continuous Terror of what was going to happen to themselves and their families as the result of being arrested by a man in uniform carrying a gun, only to find out that a fair trial was but a fiction taught in the school system.

This Drug War, which is really another form of extortion and slavery by fraud of the american citizenry is coming to a head for when the youth of the nation are set up for slavery and deprivation of their freedom because they wanted to enjoy their drugs of majuarna, cocaine, etc. as the lawyer legislators smoke their drugs, drink their coffee and chaw on their cigars in the halls of the legislatures, there is going to be an inevitable resistance once the fraud is discovered by enough of the citizenry. when approximately 1.3 million citizens where incarcerated in 1999 to suffer ( that figure doesn't include the family members that suffer along with their incarcerated loved ones) and that figure climbs to approaching seven million in 2003 and still climbing, the choice is either fighting to remain free and maintain liberty or the existence of living a slow death of rotting alive in one of the concrete coffins in the various penintentaries in the gulag concentration camps dotted through-out the United States.

Furthermore, the discovery that many lawyers are themselves involved in the drug business themselves inevitably will result in them getting back seven times seven what they dished out. Thanks for the report. No wonder the courthouses look like the castles of Europe. The inhabitants of the courthouse fear the very people that they tyrannize and murder in their death and slave machine.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -- Smoke could be seen rising from downtown near Yale University late Wednesday afternoon, and a city spokesman said an explosion was reported in a mail room at the law school. James Foye, a spokesman for Mayor John DeStefano, said he had no information about injuries. A fire department dispatcher said crews were on the scene but had no details. The incident came as the nation was on elevated alert for possible terrorist attacks and several hours after President Bush -- a Yale alumnus -- visited the state to speak at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremony in New London


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