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America Is On The Road To Becoming A Dictatorship

From: "Byron C. Mingledorff

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up there quicker.

Our choice in this election is between a party that will take us into a dictatorship immediately, quite possibly in January, or one that will take a little longer, and hopefully give MORE people enough time to wake up and start doing something.

One of the lies that has been told for so long that no one ever questions it is, "America is a Democracy." Our founding fathers knew that we were not a Democracy, in fact, just 50 years ago, some of our leaders looked upon Democracy and Communism as the same kind of evil.

The United States is a Representative Republic. We are NOT a democracy. Democracies are what countries fall into shortly before they become Dictatorships.

"These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see."

From: Democracy vs. Republic - THE DISTINCTION Posted By taoss

"The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man."

A Republic, on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general. The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate. U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 ~ "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union, a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence."

H. L. Mencken: "The most popular man under a democracy is not the most democratic man, but the most despotic man. The common folk delight in the exaction's of such a man. They like him to boss them. Their natural gait is the goosestep."

From: Regressive Governmental Evolution Republic to Democracy A democracy is the last step before a dictatorship. Once the people realize they can vote themselves into a welfare state, they are merely one step away from complete dictatorship at the hands of the people they have voted into power.

At the moment, the Democrats are taking us down the road to dictatorship on a high-speed highway.

The Republicans used to be driving the scenic road to give us a great view of the coast line as they led us into slavery.

However, with the growing neo-con influence in the Republican Party, that scenic drive appears to be ending and we are just about to merge with the Democrats on the high-speed highway to hell.

There are still more Republicans who understand the difference between a Republic and a Democracy, and who are still fighting to keep the United States a sovereign nation.

There seems to be little choice as to who one should vote for in this election. Do we vote for immediate slavery, or do we vote for the scenic drive the the gulags?

Since the parties seem to be the same, and appear to be controlled by the same people, I can only think of two clear reasons to choose one party over the other. 1. The President who is elected this time will appoint the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and at least two, possibly three more Supreme Court Judges. A Republic survives on laws that are strictly interpreted. A democracy encourages judges to legislate from the bench, therefore MAKING law, rather than interpreting the laws that our elected legislators wrote. What's wrong with Judges making our laws? Our Constitution gave the job of making laws to the representatives of ALL the people, our Congressmen and women. Lately that job has been stolen from our representatives by both the President, through Executive Orders; and by Judges at all levels, from the Supreme Court all the way down to our local courts.

In Massachusetts, one judge ruled that a marriage between two men or two women is legal. In other words, an appointed person is making law for ALL of the people in Massachusetts. How is this any different from what went on in the Soviet Union?

The next president will not only appoint the Supreme Court Judges, but he will replace many of the vacancies at the federal level all across the United States.

If you think Judges should replace our elected officials and be the ones who write our laws as well as enforce them, then you should vote for John Kerry. Most likely he will appoint activist judges who see the world the same way he sees it.

If you want to keep your car on the scenic highway and give our country four more years to wake up from its media induced dream state, then vote for President Bush. There is a still a chance that he will appoint Judges who will base their rulings on the Constitution.

2. The second reason to choose one party over the other is more difficult to explain and your understanding of this reason will have everything to do with your understanding of the new world order and all it entails. If you know the history of the new world order and if you understand all of the many disguises it has worn over the years, then you already know that I am right when I say that the only real choice in the two parties is between the super highway to a dictatorship and a scenic route.

However, if the Sources who have provided me with inside information for the last 10 years are correct, then we stand MORE of a chance of restoring U.S. sovereignty with President Bush than we do with John Kerry.

There are several reasons for this: The Republicans have never believed in the United Nations. They have different reasons for not liking it. Some don't like the fact that countries which elect their leaders are put on the same footing with dictators and Monarchs. Other people look back to the days of Colonel House, the Rasputin-like advisor to President Wilson, who was responsible for the creation of the League of Nations.

House's father, Thomas P. House, was a Rothschild agent who amassed a large fortune during the Civil War by supplying the South with essentials from France and England. Colonel House, the son, was also an Illuminist agent committed to the one-world interests of the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller cartel, serving as their point man in the White House.

In addition to being the point man behind the League of Nations, House successfully persuaded Wilson to support and sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. Later, realizing what he had done, President Wilson remorsefully replied:

"I have unwittingly ruined my country."


The United Nations was the next step in creating a One World Government. Already non elected, non-appointed officials who are connected to the United Nations through their affiliation in Non Governmental Organizations are writing many of the laws that are being implemented in nations around the world. The most infamous of these new laws is Agenda 21... meaning the new world order agenda for the 21st century. The main focus of Agenda 21 is to seek world wide conformity of laws. These laws will limit private property ownership, create wilderness areas where humans cannot live, create islands of humanity where the humans will be imprisoned, and deprive us of our cars and our guns.

If you have read and understand my explanation of the Two Factions, you will understand that one of the factions believes in human sovereignty and the other factions doesn't. One faction believes that God gives humans their rights, the other faction believes that all rights are delivered by the government or the King!

In the United States of America we still have a document that says: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. One of the factions still believes in these words. One of the factions still believes is National Sovereignty, freedom and liberty. One of the factions still believes as Alexis de Tocqueville did when he wrote:

"America is great because America is good. If America ever stops being good, it will cease to be great!"

This faction is known here in the United States as "The Cowboys". Around the world, it is known as Faction Two.

Faction One came first. It organized itself in 1776. We now call it the new world order. Faction Two came into being as an opposition to the New World Order. It came second and that is why it is called Faction Two.

F2 unofficially began in June 1784, when both the Masons and the Illuminati were declared illegal by the King of Bavaria, but F2 didn't truly understand what was going on and how dangerous their enemies were, until the late 1800s when the Rothschilds declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The New World Order has hated Bavarians, since 1776. At that time, the Illuminati, the progenitor of the New World Order, was set to take over all of the European thrones by placing Illuminati advisors in every royal court. The King of Bavaria figured out what they were doing and alerted the kings and queens of Europe. The Illuminati was driven back into the shadows. The actions of the King of Bavaria set back the plan for a One World Government by 100 years. The New World Order lost round one.

Round two came in three steps. The first step saw the break up on the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late 1800's. Even though the Empire no longer existed, the newly created nation states were still too strong for the New World Order to completely control. Not only did these countries have to be controlled, they had to be broken so badly that they would never recover. WWI and WWII succeeded in getting rid of the major opponents of the NWO.

The 'social engineering' that was done after the war succeeded in dividing nations so that the people could never unite in opposition to the policies and plans of the New World Order.



My sources tell me that Faction Two is backing George W. Bush. Because he has their backing and protection, he will have the ability to implement policies that will threaten the individuals and corporations that make up the new world order. With the protection of Faction 2 he can implement policies that can move us out of the United Nations and stop its implementation of a One World Government.

The worldwide media savages Bush 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Five owners now dominate American television: Viacom, which owns CBS; Disney, which owns ABC; News Corp., which owns Fox; General Electric, which owns NBC; and AOL Time Warner. Surely people must suspect something when 4/5s of the new world order controlled media attack George W. Bush on a daily basis.

How can the American people ever learn the truth if the media is controlled by the very people who want to enslave us? At the moment we have a tool available to us called the Internet. Through it we can educate ourselves about the true intentions of our leaders and when enough of us are educated we can begin to organize and bring change.

But for this to happen, we need time to wake people up and time to allow these people to organize. While both parties have new world order traitors in their ranks, the Republican Party has the least amount of them. The Speaker of the House, Denny Hastert, is an American patriot who is supported by Faction Two.

While I would prefer to vote for a third party candidate, as I usually do, I believe this election is too important to do that. Bill Clinton was never elected by a majority of Americans. If Ross Perot hadn't been in the election, we would have had George H.W. Bush as President and we would already BE part of the NWO.

Under Bush the 1st, Democrats began to wake up and see that something was really wrong with our country. Under Clinton, Republicans began to wake up. However, neither group of people woke up enough to realize that the enemy was not the Democrats or the Republicans, the enemy is an unseen force that controls both parties. This unseen force keeps Americans hating each other so they will never wake up enough to look behind the curtain and see who is really pulling the strings.

George W. Bush is NOT his father. From what my sources have told me, W. has had a long love-hate relationship with his father, mainly due to the numerous affairs the elder had, and the pain these affairs caused Barbara. W. is his mother's boy.

It is my belief that 4 more years of George W. Bush will allow us to continue our scenic drive along the ocean. Hopefully during this time, more people will wake up and realize that there is another power at work in the United States other than the Republicans and the Democrats. Hopefully people will realize that we truly do have "an enemy within!" Hopefully enough American patriots can organize along 3rd party lines. to create a Congress that is NOT divided on party lines.

The only way we are ever going to get back our sovereignty is to destroy the choke hold the NWO has on our politicians! The only way we are going to do that is by electing ordinary men and women. The only way we are going to do that is by taking back control of our elections. This means REAL campaign finance reform, not the joke that John McCain and his cohorts brought us, but REAL reform. This reform may have to come on a state by state basis through state initiatives.

I don't believe we will have the opportunity to do that under John Kerry. I believe he will rapidly move us into a position where they only thing that will keep us alive will be to capitulate to a One World Government or be destroyed by our enemies. Our choice is not an easy one this time. We have little facts from the media that we can trust as being truthful. How can we make up our minds if the information on which we must base our decisions is not true?

That's where your own discernment must come into play. If you believe in God, then before you pull the lever or mark that ballot, ask God to help you make the decision. If you don't believe in God, then try as hard as you can, to get your OWN thoughts out of the way, and ask your higher self which candidate is the best choice for the highest good of all humanity.

In a democracy we have mob rule. Democracies are the last step before repressive dictatorships. If this election is as close as the election was in 2000, we most certainly will hear calls to do away with the electoral college, which is the only impediment left to a true democracy aka mobocracy.

If the elections are as close as they were in 2000, I fear we will see riots in the streets. There are already calls for the conservatives to be ready to march in every city where the liberals are going to stage their protests. If these two groups begin to fight, we could very well see martial law being imposed even before the election is decided.

In 2000, I flipped a coin to see if I would vote for Ralph Nader or Pat Buchanan. While my conservative views are closer to Buchanan's, after what I saw him do to the Reform Party, I have a hard time trusting him. I consider Ralph Nader a socialist, but he is the only one who is telling the truth about the corporations. I just wish he would add the rest of the story, which brings in the truth about the Federal Reserve and the new world order.

In other words, there isn't a perfect candidate. You are going to have to hold your nose and vote for the lesser of evils.

Senator John Kerry has always been controlled by the internationalists. If you believe in an international order where the United States will be on par with Cuba, Libya, the Sudan and communist China, then vote for John Kerry. President Kerry will quickly lead us into a "one world government", controlled by the United Nations.

If you prefer the longer path, where we may still have some time to organize so we can take back our country, then vote for George W. Bush.

While voting for either one of these men may feel like voting for the evil of two lessers as MICHAEL PEROUTKA believes, I think we have to realize that the world is different than it has ever been. We are sitting on a powder keg. A wrong vote could cause it to go off.

There are many people who read RMN who still have not made up their minds. All I am asking is for you to try to ignore the lying media and ask a higher source for guidance. Even if you don't believe in God, you must believe in a higher part of your own self... a part that can discern truth from lies. Please tune in to that part of yourself. I know I am going to before I mark my ballot.

The New World Order uses the Hegelian Dialectic to create the outcomes they want. They want mob rule so they can impose martial law, so they can impose a dictator. If you are planning on voting for one of the other candidates, just ask yourself, "Which man do you want to see as president when martial law is imposed?"

If we still have a free country leading up to the election in 2006, then organize and promote your third parties in local elections at that time. I think we are all wasting time and precious to run third party candidates for president. I think we must begin at the grassroots.

I believe this election will either destroy the last vestiges of the American Republic, and turn us into a true democracy which will very quickly devolve to a dictatorship.... or it will launch us on a path to restoration of our Sovereignty.

One final thought: Look at our magazine, our books our films, our porn industry, our drug dealers, our gamblins casinos. Look at the outrageous interest the banks charge their customers. Look at our jails and our prison workforce. Look at a million other examples that American has stopped being a nation of "good".

Will Alexis de Tocqueville be proved right? Will America stop being GREAT because she has stopped being GOOD?
