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Articles Of Confederation

By Eldon Warman

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ion via the Anglo-Saxon Common Law.

The Canadian Government recently posted a definition of British common law, which clarifies that British common law is NOT Anglo- Saxon Common Law. This can be found at: wherein one learns that so-called British common law has evolved and has been established since the Norman period - after 1066 AD. My take is that it is pure Roman Law with emphasis on the always present 'notwithstanding' clause of ship law - realizing that Roman Law was based upon make-believe ships (incorporations - either bodies politic or corporate). Notwithstanding Clause - the captain may deviate from any rules or regulations when he deems it necessary for the GOOD of the ship - or make-believe ship.

God's Law is the negative and positive Golden Rule - Do not, or do, unto others as you would not, or would, have them do unto you.

When writing such a document, terms can be modified from original meaning if so defined in the alternative within the document. However, there are specific terms within the Articles and within the US Constitution which are definitely applicable only to the Roman system; and, which are not defined as meaning otherwise within these documents.

* The use of the block letter 'S' to refer to the 'states' indicates a corporate entity - Roman style. * The block letter 'P' in 'people' indicates a sub-corporate group. * The word 'person' in law 'only' means a legal entity and a rank or position within a corporation - a Roman concept. * The term 'citizen' is a Roman concept meaning a free slave or subject of Caesar in return for military backing and tribute (taxes)

The Anglo-Saxon Common Law (and thus, God's Law) deals with the free will and moral thinking mind of a man or woman. Since the mind of man cannot function without a brain and a supportive body, the unalienable rights of life, liberty and property are absolutely necessary.

The Roman system deals with bodies, and considers the mind only as a mechanism for obedience to the captain or master of the make-believe ship. (Crew)members, another name for body parts (of a ship), have no rights except those granted as privilege by the captain or master.

The current activity of the UNITED STATES (a Roman style corporation) is nothing more than the 'tightening of the Roman noose' upon the people of America.

Eldon Warman Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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