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The Source of Law

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elihood you learned what you thought was law from friends, family, employers or the media; but where did they learn it from? Chances are they learned it from a similar source. In most cases we picked it up along the way. When we learned to ride a bike we were told we had to ride it on the same side of the street as the car traffic and that we were supposed to obey the same traffic rules as cars. But where did we learn those traffic rules from? Some of us received a pamphlet from the state regarding bicycle safety — but was that law or just common sense? When we progressed to getting cars, did we study the actual law or did we just follow the school’s and or our parents instructions that we needed a license plate on the car and a driver’s license to drive it? When we studied to prepare for the driver’s license exam, did we actually study the law or did we just study the booklet prepared by the state. When we studied such matters did we study from the source learning first the history of the law and its application or did we simply cut to the chase and study whatever we needed to pass the test?

The founding fathers of our Constitutional Republic lived on their own private land as free natural sovereign independent people with no central government controlling them. After the French American War they found themselves at odds with Great Britain, where it was attempting to rule over them as if they were a chattel property of Great Britain. As Great Britain’s unlawful rule became unbearable Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, which each of the 13 independent states signed, as the foundational instrument that united the people in a Union of States to unanimously inform one and all of the necessity that they dedicate their lives to fight for Liberty in “The War of Independence” against Great Britain. Ultimately the Constitutional Republic was formed and every State entering into the Union of States thereafter had an Enabling Act authorizing and limiting the State’s entrance. The Enabling Acts granted the people within various territories authority to form State constitutions providing under an “ordinance irrevocable” that the State could pass no law repugnant to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. The number one principle of that Declaration and of the Constitution was the God given inherent inalienable right to Liberty, which the Supreme Court has defined as the right to take your property and come and go as you please without government interference. So where could the State have received the authority to compel driver’s licenses? Has that irrevocable ordinance been revoked? No, it has not. Is the state violating that ordinance by requiring such licenses? No, that has also been ruled lawful. Then what happened? Now, there’s a question that might get us somewhere; the answer is in our historical review.

Today, we are used to learning about current events from testimonials broadcast on TV, radio and in print. Ask anyone if you can believe what you read, hear or see in the media and they will tell you, No!” Then, ask them about a current event and they will rehearse the story they saw in the media. We simply do not know what is going on around us and virtually every source (all third party) we go to for understanding is selling something themselves — so naturally their information is tainted to support their product. The problem is, when you gain your understanding from any place but the source itself, chances are, it is tainted by the spin or opinion of the vendor; and, studying it directly without support is nearly impossible. Understanding law is no different; to understand law we must understand history; to understand either we must go to their source. Having an unbiased guide helps.

On September 18, 1787, as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the meeting, at the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia where our Constitutional Republic was formed, Mrs. Powel directly asked him, “Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” Mr. Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

This has never been more important than today. Can we keep it?

We can, only if we are willing to learn how it works and only if we hold the government accountable to the law!

The United States of America was formed “of the people, by the people and for the people”, designed as a Constitutional Republic with recognition that God created mankind in His own image and likeness granting man dominion, agency and possession (i.e. sovereignty), commanding man to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28 Since that time man seems to have forgotten both that Law and what a Republic is. All too often we hear the media drum beat of, “this Democracy”. Our government is not a Democracy! People ask, “Why would our government promote such a thing if it were not true?” We answer, they are vendors selling their dictatorial control.

“By their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20

Since W.W.II those “fruits” have increasingly become evident of dictatorial government controlled business, which is the very definition of Fascism. Could we have possibly won the battle but lost the war. History shows that in 1944, under political pressure to turn the tides of the war, the corporation known as the, “United States Government” was quitclaimed to the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter "IMF") in the Bretton Woods Agreement. When our soldiers came home victorious, they did not recognize the new fascistic style of government control because when they fought it in Europe, it had the face of soldiers with uniforms, airplanes, tanks, grenades and guns. The patriotic environment of victory made the sacrifices to achieve it seem like the “The New Deal” was necessary. Government control provided jobs and a new way of living for their families, though the silent enemy (IMF) had replaced our Constitutional Republic with Fascism and the people allowed it because they knew no better and it at least provided them the idea of on the job security.

It used to be, a father could provide for his family from his own labor and the mother could stay home and nurture the growing family. Back then, only 30% to 40% of the population needed employment. Mothers could stay home nurturing and taking care of their family’s needs—they had time to prepare fresh nutritious food for mealtime, when the family was always home together. Children went to school and didn’t have to work outside of the home to have sufficient funds to buy their clothes, schoolbooks, etc. And, most importantly, government had no right to control the people; rather, the people and the law of the Republic controlled government. Today, we approach 100% employment and politicians act like that is good. What it means to most families is, everyone in the home that can work for wages outside of the home must do so to be able to afford the necessities of education and family life. Today, more than 50% of what a worker earns goes to pay for a Fascistic Corporate Regime that controls them as if it was their government; even though, in reality, it is a private foreign corporation owned and controlled by the IMF, taking your government’s place, because we let it.

What we sacrifice is our family life, our liberty, our health and our peace

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin Our situation will not improve until the people awaken from their sleep to discover the truth, repent and take our nation back with proper knowledge and application of law.

We typically believe what we are told, mostly through the media of: newspapers, radio, TV and public schools. This is interesting because most home schooled children perform better than those taught in the public school system and most people, when asked, recognize you cannot believe what you hear or see in the media. When people wake up to the problem, they usually go to some biased third party to discover what’s happening; but rarely do they go to the source. The source is, the actual law, history and facts recorded as they happened; it is not third party opinion, from any source. The setup for what we are living today started several generations ago. To understand it we must go back and discover the truth—from the source.

For that reason, much of what you find on Team Law’s website is dedicated to presenting history and unraveling myths. We help people learn from the source. Once armed with knowledge of law and what’s happening around us people find that they can secure their families, land, property, businesses interests and their lives in virtually every aspect.

If you would like to see the people of our nation rally together for the purposes of:

legally and lawfully getting what appears to be government back under control, out of your pocketbook and off from your back; eliminating any need for taxation and getting our nation’s monetary system (gold and silver coin) back in full operation;

having your natural sovereignty recognized and your rights secured against governmental trespass;

getting foreign powers out of control of our government; and getting our Constitutional Republic back, then:

Support Team Law

Help us seat the original jurisdiction Governors in their lawful seats of government.

When we say, “eliminate any need for taxation”, we are not referring to any scheme for any cause that would use any means to fail to pay any lawful obligation to any taxing agency. We are saying, if you do not know the law you cannot obey, honor or sustain it; so we must learn the law — when we learn the law and hold our governments accountable to the laws the founding fathers of this nation secured in this Constitutional Republic, there is no need for income, sales or property taxes at all. Our experience shows, when people learn the law and live accordingly, they generally incur no tax debts even according to the laws, rules and regulations controlling tax collecting agencies in our nation today.


Team Law provides answers and solutions through education. You can learn how to assert your rights and lawfully: take control of government, secure Land Patents, and legally protect your family. Learn the law and the history of this nation — The United States of America; and, we can show you how we (the people) can take our nation back legally, lawfully and peacefully, which will not happen by people ignorantly and foolishly jumping on bandwagons filled with Patriot Mythology, silver bullets and frustration.

You can take action now and help awaken the nation by attaching the following Title of Liberty, to your e-mail,

your web sites, your letters and communications with others.

“In memory of our God, our faith, and freedom,

and of our spouses, our children, and our peace.”

When you raise this Title of Liberty it will remind you, and others, what our nation was formed for and why we fought for our freedom. Raise this Title as a sign: of your intent, of our strength and of our purpose of lawfully rallying together to reseat our nation on our Constitution.

Together let’s peacefully spread our rally cry for freedom!