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Criminal State

Ted Lang

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eople assume exists innately within the state as it does within themselves. This latter myth and belief makes it impossible for citizens to believe that their own government would plan and execute egregious and horrific crimes of mass murder and mayhem against them.

This relatively simple yet powerful arsenal of soft weaponry so naturally and easily assembled and at the state's disposal allows government the ability to steal the wealth and property of its citizens. Most citizens are incapable of visualizing the horrors of government, especially horrors attributable to a large and militarily superior state. Such a state is highly centralized and designed and managed to generate massive profits for its industrial armorers who benefit from fascism's endless wars and invasions.

But it is precisely this simple, soft weaponry that generates a most dangerous double-edged sword that defeats resistance to such government tyranny. This simplicity exudes a socially beneficial authoritarianism and fascism that camouflages the progressive enslavement of the people. It also promotes amongst the populace the dangerously flawed perception that government can eventually be changed for the better by the voters themselves.

The state's media propaganda machine, "newspapers of record," televised and cable network "news" and Hollywood TV and movie "entertainment" promote a false base of beneficent mythology bolstering the state's policy and legislative validation rituals. The mass media thereby reinforce the state's legitimacy, its authority, and its demand for citizen respect and compliance. The state derives strength and authority via the individual decency and morality of its citizens who are supposedly being "protected and served."

The state renders itself virtually invulnerable to attack because of the mirage of benevolence it creates through its mass media supporting the myth and false perception that reform is relatively easy. But isn't this justification of the state's legitimacy a dichotomy? If government reform is so easy, then why does government maintain its triad of defensive weaponry? The ability to change and reform existent bad government by only the means permitted by the criminal state is a false "perception;" it is a misconception! It explains the media focus on the coming worse-than-useless 2008 "presidential elections." Elections do not address the government fraud of election theft, nor do they address the abdication by Congress of their responsibility in reining in a lunatic dictator.

Government's bag of tricks coupled with the misconception that both access to it, as well as reform of it, are within the power and grasp of the people, ensures government's continuing and unlimited power precluding any and all control by the citizens and voters enslaved by such a criminal state. Government cannot be reformed! Bad government can only be abolished and removed! This is the precise argument offered in America's greatest document, the Declaration of Independence. And yes, the most critical foundation of the formula of government's despotic power is the ignorance of its citizenry.

An ignorant populace is one that can be intimidated, threatened, and herded as sheep! They can be swindled, lied to, stolen from, and prevented from becoming angry. If they don't know they're being enslaved and stolen from, they won't do anything about it! And if they are unfamiliar with their basic freedoms and rights as citizens, they are surely doomed to lose those rights. People cannot long for what they've lost if they never knew what they had in the first place.

But doesn't someone have to be in charge? That is why people in general acquiesce to leadership and authority. To make sure that authority is obeyed, citizen decency is capitalized upon through a government-favoring rules and acts of law. If in the final analysis, it is we the people that have the final say, what could be the problem? We vote! We elect representatives to fight for our interests, and get laws passed by Congress that are most beneficial to us all. This summarizes the formula and provides the legitimacy for illegitimate government power.

It is the intent here to prove the fallacy of all the aspects of American government power at all levels. These components and interrelationships of society and government have been pondered all throughout the history of Mankind, culminating with the Continental and Constitutional Congresses that created this great republic. We are no longer great or a republic. We must first admit this, understand how we got here, and then fix it for ourselves, our posterity, and then for everyone else in the world. We were created under God to provide a safe haven for all people, as so stated and chiseled in stone at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that people create government in order to secure their freedoms, and not the other way around. This is the most blatant ignorance that the American people continually display. And the only reason government has authority over us is because we the people have allowed our government this unauthorized and illegitimate authority! We consent to be governed. And as the Declaration has set forth, and as the Preamble to the Constitution expounds upon, we are to establish and maintain a government of justice, not a government of laws or a government of "fairness" based upon selective, collective emotions of the moment.

Voting provides absolutely no benefit in terms of reforming government. The rich political factions, banking conglomerates, and military-industrial corporate entities that manipulate politicians through their wealth and their partnership with the media do not even remotely represent either the will or the best interests of the American people. We have no access to government, and no way of reforming it in the current political system.

Recognizing the freedom-destroying democracy we have regressed into is step one on the road back. Step two is recognizing the agents of ignorance: the media, the NEA and Hollywood. Step three is rigorously questioning all government authority! Are its proposed laws constitutional and therefore just, or are they just emotional and destructive of our constitutional freedoms and God-given rights? The more government abuses our freedoms via its intimidation of authority citing law, the more we should challenge it. To do otherwise, is to allow the scientist's artificial and ungodly creation to dictate terms to its creator, which has always been the basis for a really good horror story!

Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.